Limited time rewards are not a flex

And who forbid you to play one? TW was around alteast 1 year or more. That time one can lvl up any classes and even gear up to do the tower challanges. (It was removed in 8.0)

Its only lame excuses.

That’s not the point.
The point is 1 spec of 1 class is getting something that A LOT OF PEOPLE wanted.
So it’s very disappointing to those people that not all specs/classes are getting the same treatment. THAT is the point.

Thats the point exactly.

You had the chance. Even if you didnt have the class at max lvl or high gear, you had the chance to earn it (btw i did that way), like anyone else, but you didnt take the chance.

You’re not reading. I just TOLD YOU that’s not my point.
And YOU don’t get to tell ME what MY point is.

I’ll repeat myself again, because you don’t seem to get it:
This. Is. Not. About. Those. Original. Skins.
This is about a NEW skin being given to only 1 spec of 1 class.

Biggest mistake blizzard ever did was giving special unobtainable rewards to pvpers, letting mouthbreathers run around with cool enchants and mounts, because they were able to buy a boost back in X expansion. Truly makes the game degenerate to have unobtainable rewards that you can’t even get by completing the same achievements etc

And also people that flex their stuff do it because they have no other values in life, so what makes them happy is to show off their virtual item. So when you feel jealous, just remember they’re sad people and probably got it worse than you in other aspects of life

can vouch for that, i used to go round spamming my rare items … reality was my irl sucked lol…

but hey it made me happy so whats so bad about that ? :slight_smile:

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i never completed mage tower but to be fair, it was really hard.

getting the same rewards now is just not fair for those who beat it when it was still a challenge.
usually challenge modes are for current content, which is most likely why they are removed.

It wasn’t, at least in 7.3 when you could have all the legendaries you want and were 100 ilvl higher.

The topic on the difficulty is one area that can also create tension but ppl have generally not gone past the rewards yet. At 7.3, the tower wasnt a huge challenge to a character you regularly play but the limited time nature created a layer of difficulty if you want to do the offspec versions or on other classes that you normally dont play. After all, you gotta level it, gear it and even then the difficulties were often not down to numbers. If the MT never goes away, then it will either become super trivial eventually or it will have to scale.

But if the latter happens, then there will be always the question if it scales right or is balanced across the specs doing each scenario. In such cases, I am quite certain that if the scenarios get scaled as of the 7.2 level (or whenever the MT exactly came out), a lot of people will claim they are impossible and ask for nerfs.

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