Limited time rewards are not a flex

And ‘at the same time’ now it’s bad for EVERYONE except guardian druids. So how is THAT okay?!

Then they could have given out a normal bear skin, not the Werebear, which is the MT appearance.

Yes, you are. You can’t even grasp the concept of equality. And the fact you’re trying to use it in an MMORPG where all classes are unique is quite comical to me. I hope all 10k of your posts aren’t as dull as the ones in this thread.

As for treatment of players and equality. Druids who’re shapeshifted cannot see the gear they’ve gained through MT, so they gave them a cosmetic that does show. I think that’s pretty equal to me. You’re just butthurt for some odd reason.


Because that is not a normal cosmetic but the Mage Tower skin, which is not accessible to everyone anymore except now for Druids.


Exactly. And you’re a player. And you also have the ability to play a druid. You’re literally trolling now right? or are you trying to be funny


Alright I’m really not responding to your braindead troll attempts anymore.
Wow man… Just wow.

Rich coming from you.
The concept you are not grasping is pretty basic as well.

This is not a single player game, you are not entitled to everything, infact the game works best when there is stuff you cant get. Becuase the value of cosmetics is linked to exclusivity. Its not fair for you to take away from other peoples achievements and the value of their cosmetics because you are jealous. And this is the crux of your grievance, because Blizzard can make new and cool unrelated appearances for you, but none of you people ask for that. So its clear that all you really want is to devalue the achievement of these specific appearances.

LOL, I am lost here.

On one hand, I agree with Tahra’s take that the hunter legendary should be put into LFR with a lower ilvl.

On the other hand, I agree with Annie’s take that bears get a skin and hunters don’t because hunter’s skin is their armor and bears armor is hidden all the time, so they need a skin to see it during normal gameplay.

Peace. ))

It wasnt the same challenge week 1 compared to anything after that. With that logic let’s remove the rewards from all people who didn’t get them on challenge mode release date…

Yes but how about they give another skin and not the Werebear? Which was for MT only?

Why idk, a balance of power kind of recolor? Or whatever they wanted really.

Why bring back a MT recolor for bear and not do the same for everyone else instead of the set? It’s stupid.

Fine with me.

Yes, my reaction truly.

You don’t understand the concept of equality. And the fact you’re throwing it around in an MMORPG where you’re free to roll/play any class you want is funny. Again, MT gives druid a skin for their guardian form because

  1. You can’t see the MT set shapeshifted
  2. Because it fitted to do so since that’s what happened during Legion

“but it was a weapon back then, and they’re getting one again, and the rest are not”. It never changed the appearance of your weapon. Their whole philosophy is around the fact GUARDIAN AND FERAL CANNOT SEE THEIR GEAR. Whether you like it or not, THAT is the case.


This game is not meant to be 100% fair. You aren’t supposed to be able to get everything, this is an mmo not a single player rpg. The and so most of the value of cosmetics comes from their exclusivity, this why blizz fills the shop with as many mounts that are shop exclusive models as they can. Therefore its not fair to take away the value of other players achievements and cosmetics because you are jealous, if you don’t like the recolours ask for better looking gear, or ask for more new cool gear looks to be added to the game. You dont have to have these cosmetics.

That’s not a point of its fine for you! I mean it’s fine for me as well, it’s another skin for my Druid.

But why are Druid players, all of them, not just G Druid get access to one MT recolor while everyone else still have their appearance locked?

I have a few exclusives and I find it perfectly fair if they became again available. Why? Because I will also get the chance to get other stuff I missed. This mentality of making things exclusive is one where everyone loses while making everything available is one where everyone wins.

We are like kids getting offered a hundred toys but getting mad because the kid next to us was offered a toy that we also own. Instead of looking how everyone gets something out of this we are trying to make others lose stuff so we feel special.

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just becuase blizzard made a mistake before doesnt mean they should completely devalue the appearances.

Yeah but devaluing the Druid one is fine I guess right?

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God. When did we stop valuing something due to coolness and we value it based on how many people own it? Why shoot yourself on the foot and remove the chance to get something cool you may have missed, just so someone else doesn’t get what you have. Unless you have everything in the game I am sure everyone in here has something they wish they had but don’t in-game.

The more things you have, from transmogs to mounts to toys etc the more options you have to create something that is unique and truly amazing. By having something that is removed you basically have a participation sticker for having a sub at this time. Nothing more.

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