Limited time rewards are not a flex

Since Vanilla.


it is childish. you’re basically saying “hey he got an apple i must have an apple too!”

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What is truly childish, is when you have an apple, the other person an orange, the other one a mango fruit, and instead of wishing for all to try this fruit, you all get mad when someone gets a fruit you have because that makes you “special” while at the same time removing your ability to try all these different flavors.

Still tarha has a point, despite being opposite from mine.

They broke their promises of MT legion appearance to stay unobtainable, why the G Druid one can be devalued while the other ones get to stay exclusive?

They should have created another skin for Druid as well if they did not want to bring MT appearance back for everyone.

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Wrong mind set. Classic is a re-released game, which means difficulties are up-to-date. If they are bringing mage tower, they are bringing old content into up-to-date content of same game. Just like they did with Zul’Aman dungeon which at first was a 10man raid and then 5man dungeon. Both rewarded amani bear mount, different color.

I don’t expect Mage Tower to be same and I don’t expect Mage Tower to be same challenge.

And it shall be so again.

P.S: Players that did the content, don’t have to care if you didn’t play it either. Your problem.

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she means if you aren’t a druid you don’t get more than a recolored set

idk but if you go to the same apple tree later you’ll find more apples, except for this one

obtaining an item makes you feel special, sure , but not letting other people have it doesn’t matter to be honest. the artifact appearances are there to prove that you can do the mage tower challenge , there shouldn’t be anything more to it than that

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its been this way since the beginning of WoW. Just look at mounts, every alliance player has easy access to an unarmoured sabretooth tiger, yet most people still see the swift zullian panther as a super cool mount; its the same with ashes and the purple phoenix or even invincible and the celestial steed. The actual objective appearance factors in but is a minority of the value for most people.

You can even see objective evidence of this in the shop as blizz have tended more and more to shop exclusive mount models in instead of just recolours that would take fractions of the man hours(and thus cost) to make.

Its human nature to want things other people don’t have.

Look don’t get me wrong ive played for a while but ive missed stuff, i would love to get the WoD challenge mode dungeon gear or the panderen pheonix’s. But its not fair for me to take away value from those other players just because im jealous. Moreover if there his huge utility for blizzard to be able to say something is time exclusive, becuase its a great retention and player pop growth tool. So if you go back on your word people are A. not going to trust that it will actually be exlcusive so they will feel less of a draw to come back and B. you will foster an environment where people will expect stuff never to be exclusive which is bad for the game.

Ill go back to what ive said before, you are not supposed to get everything, and infact there is stuff you are never supposed to be able to attain. Because this is an mmo where some times you just loose out, so other players can win.

you haven’t taken any value, if you have a car now and don’t destroy it you’ll have it 80 years later, if it’s the same challenge then it shouldn’t matter when you have done it, imagine if you can’t get gear from the raid if you haven’t done it on first week, similar to torghast right ? if you don’t do torghast this week , no soul cinders for you, and that’s EXACTLY why people hated it.

It does matter, because you want them. If it was just about you not liking the recolours you would ask for a better set, or just cooler gear in general but that’s not what you are asking for is it? You want these specific weapons because they where exclusive. You know they are special, you just don’t want to admit they are special, because you cant handle being denied something in a video game. This isnt a single player rpg, the point of this game is some people win and some people loose, and you lost so just accept it. There will be more gear available in the future.

The value is not in the challenge its the exclusivity, if the value was in the challenge you guys wouldn’t be complaining because the challenge is going to be brought back. No the value comes from less people having it. Said value can be achieved by having a high challenge, or by having a high currency requirement or just by making it a long process to attain. But ultimately the aim of all these things is to just make less people able to get the cosmetic.

no she doesnt just because they broke their promise in one place doesnt mean they should another, that’s like saying because you robbed someone you may as well stab them as well. One wrong doesnt justify another.

Exclusivity/‘fear of missing out’ is a poor way to engage the playerbase. Let people experience content, even if it’s old. Lord knows we need more to do in this game.


i want them because they can show that i’m good enough in the game to earn them , not because i played in X time during whatever expansion
that’s not value to me , overcoming the challenge is something i can be proud of , not being lucky with content getting released when i’m subbed
and also they have a strong relation to my class and character.

I respect the hell out of people who earn things through skill and dedication. Neither of those things translate into things earned during a specific window in time.


Yes it does unless they give me a valid reason for breaking their promise only in 1 spec out of 36. But since they don’t your entire premise is BS.

You are just acting like this because you don’t give a damn about the Druid one, I bet if it was hunter skins coming back you would be here moaning. You are just selfish.

They created a precedent for one class so they either remove the new skin or slowly release recolors for every skin.

And no I don’t care about any other skin, I got those i wanted before they went away. But it’s still not fair to bring back one specific MT skins while leaving all the other behind.

That’s a lie because the gear set will do that, or you could ask for some unrelated new weapon models themed after shadowlands. But you don’t want that, you want these specific appearances, because they are exclusive.

Well, you can just keep asking for it on the forums, it seems to kind of worked for the high elf fans.

As a hunter, I would expect you to understand how a recoloured tier set isn’t all that motivating. :smirk:

No no. Let them. I wanna see how long till they figure it out by themselves. :smile:

Im not justifying bringing in the druid one, if it where up to me the bear form would only be available for people who already have the base were bear form as a bonus for completing the bear challenge mode boss. I also want them to do the same for recolours of the other weapons as well.

My argument is that this shouldn’t happen for the druid but it is, and unfortunately i cant see them reversing it, so lets just stop the bleeding there and not destroy the value of all the others as well.