Limiting pathing gates in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

The new gates in Temple of Ahn’Qiraj should be moved. This limits innovation and ingenuity in speed running and gives 0 gain to the casual players. Zirene has said that they were implemented to help the players with pathing (kekw) and to not allow bosses to be skippable. What I am proposing is that a gate be added after Sartura before the gauntlet which forces skeram, trio, and sartura to be killed to progress which is also a 3 boss check point to also work with the new loot system. Second would be to remove the gate at fankris and add a flag to the doors in twins room opening. The door only opens if visc, fankris, and twins have been killed and once again the same check point as the new loot system. This would be very very minimal time/effort changes and allow for the part of the community that likes to speedrun and not even just speedrun but do big pulls for fun/efficency in their raids to do so. I see no real gain, and for very minimal time/effort this can be corrected and still accomplish everything the dev’s wanted to do with the current gates on the PTR.


+1 on this post! Agree.