List of bugs found in TBC 2.5.1. client

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List of bugs found in TBC 2.5.1 client

As most of us know, this new TBC client is a copy-pasted version of the retail Shadowlands client with some modifications on its code.

I’m not a big fan of using new engines to recreate old experiences, but well managed could result in a great looking (and great feeling) client of an older expansion, such as TBC.

Nevertheless, we’re all aware of how Actiblizzard is managing its games, and with the in-game shop for TBC, we can easily tell they’re here for the money, not for the players’ nostalgia.

Said this, it won’t take me much effort to prove this client has been totally overlooked and bad programmed, like Blizzard didn’t care about things going well, releasing a version of a product far enough from being acceptable. Not sure if they were in a rush to launch it in June or they just want our wallets asap, but this client is still not even close to be perfect. Here is a list of known TBC bugs, most of them imported from Shadowlands:

  • Cross-realm invites. They’re a thing now and Blizzard confirmed it is a bug.
  • Lighting and shadows. Comparing TBC and TBC:C clients will be enough to know what I’m talking about. I’m not mad at getting a brighter game to see properly, improvements are improvements. But this is not one of them, this is just a different lighting and shading than it was in TBC:C.
  • Some trees and things disappeared from the city backgrounds. Yeah, they’re not that important, but they bring life into the game.
  • Lv 51 greens appearing in Rogue practice lockpicking boxes. As a result of the Shadowlands item level scalation, any item could appear in low level boxes, since they would just adapt to the player’s level. Now we have level 10 rogues selling level 50 items :smiley:
  • Arenas DCing players when they leave matches.
  • BGs kicking players.
  • BGs creating non-existent raid ID saves. Some people got saved on Onyxia, ZG and AQ20 by doing BGs, so they were locked for that week.
  • UBRS is a 10-man raid. Well, in this TBC client it’s now a 5-man, just like it is in Shadowlands. It was obviously a 10-man in the original TBC.
  • Naxxramas and AQ40 are bugged. Some bosses which have debuff mechanics (i.e. Sapphiron) stack two different versions of their debuffs, instead of one. This means the Shadowlands debuff version has been applied and the classic one was not removed, and now we got a double debuff! (Shadowlands debuff should be deleted).
  • Not to mention that now the best strategy to farm honor in Arathi is to just stand in base and lose as fast as you can. BGs were never intended to win more honor as you lose faster, I thought you had to compete to win more honor. Can’t remember this being that way in TBC.
  • Original night mode is gone. Post-Cataclysm’s pseudo-night mode is now on this client.
  • Cat form is broken. When you shift into cat form, it lasts a few seconds and then it takes you out of that form. Video:
  • PvP icons not showing when killing players. Insteado of (symbol) HK: Sergeant, it only shows HK: Sergeant.
  • Every second (sometimes third) Drain Life from Warlocks isn’t visible. The player just stands still doing nothing.
  • Same thing happens with Eagle Eye. But with this one, it will not work at all. You can channel it but you won’t see anything.
  • Same thing happens with Priests’ Mind Flay.
  • Shamans no longer have cast animations for abilities like bloodfury and weapon enhancements, and their +6%hit, 45 pt talent- doesn’t show in the character sheet.
  • Undead female eyes are not glowing in no bones mode.
  • Eversong Woods has a ton of invisible collision that you can get stuck on.
  • Horde Druid Water Form quest bugs out in Silverpine Forest.
  • The zone text upon entering a region is not correctly coloured based on PvP region. Every place is colored in white, while it should be green for friendly, yellow for contested and red for hostile.
  • Eye of the Beast causes the player to disconnect if recast on pet when pet is moving or jumping.
  • You can’t train leatherworking past 225, not even the trainer in Feralas will train you Artisan Leatherworking.
  • “Shaman’s Mana Tide totem didn’t do anything for any of our mages in naxx yday” - someone’s testimony. This is due to a bug that has to do with War Mode on retail, and it affects much more than just Mana Tide Totem. The solution is to have everyone in your raid do /pvp which sets everyone as being flagged for pvp, and then all buffs and auras will apply across the group.
  • Shaman’s Far Sight is broken.
  • Alliance Riflemen in Silithus have no guns. They just stand there looking at the large wasps, unless it comes into melee range in which case they punch it.
  • Macros using “!” Before an ability seem to be broken. The intended use for something like “/cast !Cat Form” is to not accidentally toggle the ability off on a second button press. I guess this is caused by the differences between clients and their macros, but this one was a needed one.
  • Guild rank settings are resetting after being saved. They remove or add random ones.
  • "Not all quests recognize that the quest log limit was increased to 25. I joined a group to do the chicken escort in the hinterlands. One group member started the escort and I got the pop up to accept the quest, but I could not accept it as I had 23 quests in my quest log. I was able to abandon quests to get back to 19 and was able to accept the escort. "
  • “Combat seems bugged as well. Yesterday I got flagged for combat multiple times by nearby players fighting mobs I didn’t even touch.”
  • Some Amani Trolls in Ghostlands are missing basic animations (like getting stunned, they just immobilize completely without even breathing).
  • Sapphiron bugs:
    • His cleave is about 5x larger radius we found out last night. It was chaining to healers and melee 15-20 yds away from the tank, with no players in between.
    • Tauren can be killed by the frost orb while standing behind ice blocks due to hitbox issues.
    • Double the amount of blizzards were in the arena than usual.
  • Valharriel’s Search quest in Desolace (first one in the chain), you can’t complete the quest at the cart, The question mark is silver.
  • Here’s a few more Naxx ones:
    • The pack of spiders in the room after Anub’rekhan on the left infinitely respawns.
    • if you fail to kill both Feugen and Stalagg, the one you don’t kill will bug out, become untargetable, and not reset.
    • The spider packs before Faerlina respawn way too fast
  • “BE can’t receive quest items from many quests. Tested recently hamaliyas plea. Could not get the key to drop no matter how many times we killed her.”
  • Seems like daily quests are not getting reset atm. Can’t accept pvp daily after completing ist yesterday. Other people that haven’t already done it can though.
  • “Crown of the Earth” is bugged. The quest cannot be turned in after completion (question mark stays grey).
  • “Signs of the Legion” cannot be started. The event that spawns Tzerak in Nazzivian (who drops the item starting the quest) does not work correctly -instead of summoning him, the Satyr summoners just despawn after about 30 seconds.
  • “Soothsaying for Dummies” in Tanaris does not offer a new blacksmithing specialization after dropping Armorsmithing.
  • “I’ve had hunter pet abilities randomly unlearning. No exactly sure what triggers it, but I think it happens when I click the ability to teach it in the pet training menu when the ability is already learned.”
  • “Warriors under slow effect doesnt walk anymore but run… slowly.”

I could keep writing stuff until June 2nd arrives and still be far from listing all the bugs that shouldn’t be here for a multi-million dollar company re-releasing a game that was already released 16 years ago, but nevertheless here we go. The urge of rushing content before checking that everything works fine is on their hands. Sad thing is that most of those bugs (specially the lockpicking boxes one) were reported since the first day of TBC beta, almost 2-3 months ago. Still there, in the official release. No clue about Blizzard even trying to fix it.

Have your own conclusions, I have mine and it is that we can’t expect a good experience for this “new” title. This has only just begun. Welcome to The Bugging Crusade.


For all the private server people (Not sure if you are one of them or not) this is Blizzard today. They rush stuff, they dont fix bugs, and ofc have a legion of brainless mongos defending them as they pay 70e for an ugly mount.

Now you know why they lose subs every month. Another payed beta, this company never learns.


I’m just sick of the loot bug that’s been going on since classic (you click a enemy after it’s died and it opens up a collection window to reveal absolutely nothing to loot) and was shocked to see it’s still alive and well in TBC….


Human females have permanent surprised eyes, larger weapon size while unsheathed and larger shoulder armor.
Priest PW:S procs the visual effect of the talent “Reflective Shield” without having the talent.


My female Belf is doing a really strange animation when using a wand while in the water. She sort of freezes after each shoot, while looking to the side and sticking her arm to the right, before she shoots with the wand again. I dont remember this being the way its supposed to look?

Also many belts are invisible.

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I’m getting a ball of light following me around that highlights foliage on the ground depending where I move my camera, I suspect its position correlates with the sun or something. Very distracting it’s as bright as a flare.

Also there’s a big visible square around people’s wand light sources now.


Seems related to DirectX 12, change option to DirectX11, it will disappear.


Add this to the list: Eviscerate doing about 50% damage of the tooltip.


The Bloodthirst calculation around Improved Berserker Stance and Unleashed Rage is listed as not a bug, however I have documentation and spreadsheets from 2007/2008 that were very diligently and thoroughly tested that shows the contrary.

Without BT scaling with these AP buffs it actually hits like a wet flannel, and yet it’s the easiest thing in the world to test, can be demonstrated with 5 seconds and Blizzard is telling me that all the best theorycrafting minds from 2007-2008 missed something so blatant and simple?

I’ve seen it posted that there is video evidence this bug really is a bug, but I’ve yet to see the videos, if people can provide sources then Blizzard can fix this. It is absolutely a bug.


The boosted crusade?


The bugged crusade.

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Evocation with Haste Buff bug:
When Evocation is channel while having most kinds of haste increasing buffs, the channeling abruptly ends on the 3rd mana gain tick out of 4 total. Same goes for Arcane Missiles (And probably for other channeling spells too, but haven’t tested it)


What a trashedy.

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This is what happens when betas are used for advertisement instead of testing…
Bloody incompetent idiots at Blizzard.


Mailbox quests bugs out. You just get the headline of the letter, and otherwise a empty sheet, and you can’t get the quest. Re/logging/booting and deletion doesn’t help as the mail is just lost.

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But these bugs are reported so where is the problem? Its exactly what beta is for. Your statement makes zero sense.

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There is a huge square around Thrall as well.


There are 2 squares it looks terrible just checked that out … :joy:

That did fix it, thanks!


health regen when somethimes eating does not work.

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The “Elemental Weapons” talent for weapon enhancements for shamans does not work, atleast it does not show in the character stats and tooltips.

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