List of serious pre-patch bugs

Performance is abysmal and worse than ever before. I won’t be buying TWW if this isn’t resolved by launch because I’m done with stutter fest city hubs and WB/world events on the strongest CPU you can get.

Dragon riding+sharding is simply too much for this decrepit engine to handle, so it needs some major updates.

And it’s gonna be even worse now that they are chasing faster expansions in order to milk more money from the expansion box price.


Public profession orders are bugged too. In the list, it shows all orders with no mats (none) yet when you click and go into an order the mats are usually provided. Even though the person has provided all the mats it still says “You will be providing all the mats”.

It doesn’t use your mats though, despite what it says.

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patch 11.0 broke the garrison (WoD)
1: the garrison hearthstone no longer works when you are allready inside the garrison (for example in the mine). trying to use it you get a short loading screen and an animation, but the cooldown doesnt go off and you stand on the same spot.
2: the amperial constructs no longer teleport you. same as with the hearthstone you get a little animation but dont teleport. i even get disconnected a short period after i tried to use them.
3: the garrison report page (minimap button) no longer shows how much garrison ressources are collected in your stash.
4: the recruitment of followers in the inn gives an error.

i tried to reinstall the game, scan and repair the game, delete all addons. other people can confirm these things.

please fix

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Tormentors of Torghast event is broken. No percentage counter after the event starts, and no boss after over 30 mins of trashkills. ( put in a ticket about it and got a prewritten reply about ISP and connectivity issues. Pretty sure they didnt read my report.)

Game crashes when checking in game mail.

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this is a bug since forever, a relog fixes it. I just had this issue one week ago and reading a wowhead reply suggested relogging and it fixed it.

Also: Demonic healthstones disappear whenever you go through a load screen or a portal.

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I know thats one way of trying to fix it. It used to work before the patch. Tried when it happened a while back and did so, but now after the patch, Nothing. Tried to do the event with multiple characters. Same issue. Not just one single area of the event either. Happens on every place it triggers in the maw. I put in a bugreport today so we´ll see what happens.

The game crashes on Mac when pressing some buttons on non US keyboards, like ^ on a German one (qwertz). I reported this bug back in Beta.

nyalotha is not to be found. Can’t adjust the guildnotes . sometimes cant adjust ranks in the guild. cant open the guildbank with my crosserver alt.

I was farming some gear from SL. I can not remember the name of the item. But it was an orb, that you could click on for the soulforge.

This item made all my items in my bag make invisible, I could hover over it. But it didn’t show their icon. The names were sometimes also mixed up. When I read the LUA error I saw what created this problem.

So if you’d have such a bug/ error etc. Read the LUA error to find out what is wrong!

I got reputation Exalted with the Horde expedition, The hand of vengeance, The Sunreavers, The Taunka, Warsong offensive and they just did go back to Neutral. And some of them are just gone, I did 1 more Heroic Dungeon and they pop up again but still back at Neutral. :thinking: :unamused:

The same happened with my exalted rep with Order of the Awakened.
It’s reset =\

Until now a problem for the 1st time encountered is that somehow mouse pointer is bugging like hell for 5-10 min . I didn’t switch pages-like google-youtube or anything .

This happens only in WoW And since the reset this week . No other games had this problem .

I had an issue moving a mount from my hotbar, the mouse Pointer got stuck showing the mount tooltip, logging out didn’t solve it, I had to close the client completely.

Don’t know if it’s a bug but I saw tons of players from various realms today on Tarren Mill as I was trying to farm some old achievements and it was a tag war as everyone is basically on the same server. Seems as if there was a full-on server merge. Extremely frustrating especially after waiting on the spot for hours…

since 11.0 i noticed some more bugs:

1: The Amperial Construct (Mage Tower, Spirit Lodge, Garrison building) teleport function is not working anymore. They do not teleport me. Stepping into their area results in a short animation, no teleportation and even a disconnect.

2: The garrison hearthstone is not working anymore, when you try to use it inside the garrison, for example inside the mine. Looks like the same issue as with the constructs - i get loading screen for milliseconds and an animation, but the cooldown does not go off and i dont teleport anywhere.

I have the same issue with :

  • The Unshackled
  • Zandalari Empire
  • Voldunai
  • Honorbound
  • Dark Talons

They keep vanishing and when I “unlock” them, they are at Neutral. I do Pet Battle wq, so I gain reput for this factions almost every day. Was wondering if it was because I did them on an alliance character too, and that make it reset when I gain reput on the “opposite faction”

The Plunderstorm one vanish from my list but I still have the renown.

Having a issue, when flying towards Neltharus through Ohnaras plains my games bug, with an “error report box” and my crash. Tried it 10 times in a row now, without any different outcome. So now i cant play on my Warrior cuz the game crashes every time

Reliwik rare in korthia hasnt spawned since pre patch, pretty sure the spawn is bugged

Alysrazor in Firelands will often not leave her hole when the encounter is started. I solved it by using a Potion of Frozen Fatality to be able to Feign Death in case she didn’t spawn properly.