List of serious pre-patch bugs

Hello forum folks and concerned citizens of Azeroth!

There is a thread for funny pre-patch bugs, so I’m starting a Serious Pre-Patch Bugs List so we can know what they are and how many people are experiencing them.

Lets also include workarounds if any.

Let’s start !

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Warlock talent nodes not working. The build (to my understanding) is from 3 weeks ago rather than the most recent PTR build which fixed those issues so I expect that this will be remedied in the near future, but it’s pretty catastrophic if you want to play warlock in the next 4 weeks.

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Yesterday me and a friend were running a normal dungeon to help a new player, all was good until we all lost the ability to cast anything, we couldn’t even jump.

It kept coming back to normal then breaking again, at a point we couldn’t even log out or close the game client normally :grimacing:


Yesterday i had critical errors with my warlock trying to purchase pvp replica weapons from area 52 netherstorm.

What ive noticed is , whenever i hovered my mouse to the vendor’s items , i got insta critical error crash (with my lock whos eligible to buy the items)

But when i tried the same with one of my chars that wasnt eligible , the critical error didnt happen… I could hover with my mouse on the replica pvp weapons vendor with no problem at all.

This happens only with a char that is able to buy the items!
Please can someone test just to see if its the case for ev1?!

Ps: i tried removing all addons etc , but nothing works.

Probably because you traded an item; had the same problem in a M0, was the heal, traded the tank an item, we were both “disconnected” without noticing it - but unable to cast spells. Had to AltF4 the game, then while relogging I got the “a character with that name already exists” message for ages…

So eventually we were both back in game (one dps had left) and tried again to trade… with the same result. The other two dps had the patience of angels and we four-manned the rest of the dungeon. That’s how a normal 20 Min dungeon can suddenly take thrice as long… because trading items to players in need is now game breaking.

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Today I used the catalyst on my paladins 483 waist which should give me LFR looks. It didn’t.
I upgraded my 4/8 LFR looks tier wrist to 5/8 which should give me normal looks. It also didn’t.

Seems like transmog unlocks are bugged.


What appearance did you get then? It worked yesterday T_T

I got the upgraded ilvl on wrist and the tier waist, just not the looks in the transmog page.

Maybe that’s what happened to us, now that you mentioned we did tried to trade items (without success) before the “everyone is unable to cast anything” bug happened.

Warlock healthstones are bugged. When you use a charge the stone becomes greyed out with a tooltip that says “Cooldown starts when combat ends” but the cooldwon never starts and it stays like that until you log out and back in.

Destroying the stone and recreating it does not work, /reload does not work, going into combat and leaving it does not work, the only way to fix it is to log out.

Additionally if you move the stone around in your bags while it’s bugged or delete it, it then bugs your bags too.

Not sure if it effects just the lock, or others using them from Soulwell too.

Fishing WQ’s are bugged and can’t be completed becuase there are no fish!


This is the third bad bug for warlocks

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When I load the game, and it goes to the character select screen, there is a big empty box called “Favourites” which I am unable to remove or hide from the list. This box takes up about 50% of the list space causing a huge frustration.

(Sometimes) when I use the hearthstone I go through the animation, the cooldown starts but I don’t get teleported.

When i get whispers, which i have set to open in new tabs, the tabs don’t show the persons name. So i end up with a bunch of tabs that are just blank and no idea which one is for which person.

Clciking on a map icon to change floor no longer works, it’s just adds an icon besides it that does nothing. (like a smaller version of map pin).

Achievment tracker does not display correctly, there’s a massive gap between each one on the tracker.


Dunno if is prepatch related but in lfr rastakhan resets. always

Thats not a bug Emberthal that is a new feature the Warbands,

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Most achivements that were in progress prior to pre patch got reset, like The Gang’s All Here , Be Our Guest that are required for Shadowlands Meta achievement and can take weeks if not months to complete. I was almost done with them and both got reset (It is not possible to recraft the abominations as Necrolord and reinviting guests as Venthyr didn’t didn’t help either)

The game is an absolute horrific state and i highly doubt they work overtime…but they really should. The fact that its complete radio silence is the worst part of this, other than chatgpt replies and “yea, we are working on them” we arent getting any news and its simply not enough from a multi millionaire company.

Oh also reputations, i am afraid to hit exalted with The Enlightened yet i have been grinding it for months. Apparently reputations dont grant achievements now, etc.

If i wanted to progress said achievements i would have to restart on a different character which would take about 40-50K anima, 80+ souls from Maw and weeks of grinding.

That’s what happens when you fire a lot of your employees and then you push for annual income for statistics. The bigger corpo is the worse games they are making, and this is very often the case. We are getting more and more incomplete game each year, and the worst part is people are defending the company… That’s insane. And we are paying for it! Where are the expectations, and sense of value of money? I’m worried for the expansion because on beta there are A LOT of bugs, and it feels like a totally incomplete game, and it’s only one month away. I know on beta there are older builds, but I never saw beta in that bad state so close to launch. They are still doing major changes and reworks.

Obviously not talking about disabled Warbands at launch, because the engine is old, and those big features may cause issues, but…

Brullo the Strong rare in Zalarek is once again bugged and don’t spawn the chest again.
The Big Dig is bugged. You don’t get the obcjetives to complete almost for whole event (whole group had the same issue). Also you can’t mount up sometimes even far away from the camp.
Sylvanas boss on mythic in Sanctum of Domination is bugged as hell.
I heard garrison got a few new bugs with teleport from mage tower, hs, and mission table.
I have 2x 1h swords weapons on rogue on my back, and on the waist so there are 4 displayed weapons, and I can’t get rid of those 2.


Doing remix and not getting ANY REP

Outdoor activities are all supposed to reward 480 awakened gear, regardless of which Last Hurrah quest it is.
Over the past 2 days, it has gone from working to the Suffusion Camp rewarding S3 Gear yesterday but fixed today only the WQs in the Caverns are giving S3 gear.
Finally, the Last Hurrah gave me the correct box but inside was an ilevel 250 piece…