List of valueble items or yt chanels showing what old dungeons/raids worth farming?

Ok, i am a returning player, i didnt play since legiom. I managed to save some money and hot war within and 30 days of time. No i try to farm some gold for a token, there is any place where i can se a list of dungeons or raids or a yt channel; that show where good price transmogs drop? i dome some old ones for fun and got a patern i sold for 20k and some axe i sold for 10k, so i wonder if there are somewhere some tips on what and how to farm in old dungeons raids

Welcome back!

This is not the easiest expansion to start farming Tokens, but it is very do-able.

Be aware of two game-changing gold differences

  1. Auction House is now Region-wide for all stackable items. This means that stackables like Herbs and Ores and Potions are sold across all realms. This makes for much faster and more reliable sales. Non-stackables like armour pieces for transmog are only on your own realm’s Auction House.
  2. You can transfer gold and items between realms via the Warbank. If you think your transmog will sell faster on another realm, you can put the piece in the Warbank, make an alt on the other realm, and have that alt put it on that realm’s Auction House. And ofc the alt can put the gold in the Warbank for you to pick up.

TradeSkillMaster (TSM) addon is still available.

Herbing and Mining are reliable. The start of expansion boom is over, but you should still make at least 5K an hour, once you have skilled up enough to get better yields from nodes and notto have to dismount when gathering.

This seems like a solid article:

YouTube is full of goldmaking clickbait with nothing behind it. The YT channel I check for gold farming is Studen Albatroz. I swear, that guy is not human. He can do three hours solid of farming Uldaman, and be happy and humming doing it.

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I’d suggest checking in with economy discord,

Most video guides will cause whole lot of competition and most money will probably be made by flipping the AH not actually farming anything I’d suspect.

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