Little healing boost for ferals

  • Regrowth healing is no longer reduced in PvP Combat (was reduced by 20%).

Better than the usual nothing :smiley:


Number wise this is no longer a little boost to healing. Number wise we somethinglike a 67% buff to regrowth healing (that’s just how math works). If we healed for 60k+ before when regrowth was 60% effective, now when it’s 100% effective we will be getting probably 100k heals easily + HoTW will now be playable cause it will actually increase healing and the fast cyclone casts are nice. We probably still will be getting oneshot by the likes of rogues BUT now spamming regrowth should help us stay in longer? At least I hope? :smiley:

Hope you’re right, still think it’s gonna be like putting a sticky plaster on a gunshot wound tho. By the time you get your combos up to get the proc for Regrowth, you’ve probably already taken serious damage, then as soon as you do get that regrowth away, you’re still back to taking serious damage again. Still need something adding to the spec, an evasion type ability cos 6 seconds of SI on a 2 min cd is pretty pathetic.

Have cat form increase dodge chance? Cat form gives armor = to agility? Cat form just gives higher armor? Or even a class talent that cat form gives more armor / dodge whatever? Armor alone probably won’t help a lot, but a good regrowth + some armor / survi buff to cat form + unnerf freziend and I think we would be in a better place. And maybe buff rejuv so it actually heals? Or give us absorbs in bear form like in cata with some actual spells in bear form so it ain’t a 100% debuff to DMG while you are in it? So many things could improve the feral playstyle.


Have played feral exclusively very casually this expansion and I love the spec it’s got a great identity, the damage in my opinion is fine but we Rsnreal squishy I’d love to see them lean more into the hybridity of the class. Like make bear have some leach or some move to sustain yourself at the cost of damage course but maybe you can “wound them” and then in feral form have a passive which targets that area so to speak to do some increased damage for x time tying the forms together so bear has a use?

I know it’s useful for defense but it’s really not that tanly for feral at all.

This is an opinion and. A direction I’d like as it can work in pve as well however of course I am really new to druid having just started the class in dragon flight I love it Completley my hunter who was my main is super boring in comparrission

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