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Will all future races added to the game be allied races? Or will we also see new “traditional” races that we don’t have to unlock?


When can we expect a sneak peek into 8.2? Furthermore would 8.2 bring new flavor to the classes or will they be passive non-interactive changes?

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The fact that Blizzard removed those questlines makes no bloody sense…And as a result, the story itself makes no bloody sense. Our actions have no context.

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If you were to relaunch WoW would you have made different difficulty realms instead of all the difficulty levels for different content in one realm.

Any news on the Auction House update and improvements to server performance in general? The game becomes unplayable when you do Incursions in War Mode.

Edited for a typo.


Does that actually work? I did not know that.

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Phasing, you tried to end the questing phase jumping by frustrating the use group finder. Addons largely worked around that. Can I please cut and paste into the group finder again or do you have a ‘next move’?

The proving grounds (The single player scenario) I wanted to make use of it and found it was way undertuned currently. Will it be updated? it still shows up in the group finder.

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Since classic WoW is coming, all lost quests are restored. Can you allow players to choose between old pre-Cataclysm questing zones and current ones?
Also would be nice to have Zidormi in Vale of Eternal Blossom.


Can we get Valor/badge vendor back?


8.1.5 increased doubloons drop from Islands, which is a welcome change. Will we see more changes to Islands (such as targetting drops) based on the feedback you were gathering on the forums some time ago?


What features do you think specifically roleplayers want?


Can we get armor/weapon xmog ensembles for Warfront looks added to the Service medal vendor?


Why is mythic trash such a snore feast. Back in my days we progressed on it.

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A timeless question: will hunters ever get visible quivers back (outside of MM artifact)?
And, by extension: any progress on the cosmetic class accessory mentioned a few years ago?


Will item level scaling from worldquest, etc. kill normal difficulty raiding again in the raid tier after Crucible of Storms?

Alot of my chars were close to ilevel 385 before BoD opend and normal difficulty became tmog farming with very few upgrades. Which btw, made timewalking very unattractive too.

With high level Azerite gear only from weekly sources it’s faster to gear up two characters than gear up two specs on a single character. Was that a deliberate decision to encourage alts instead of off-specs, and how should we expect that balance between alts and off-specs to change in the future?

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With the awesome HD remaster of Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin is there a chance that other parts of old world will profit from this, too? In Orgrimmar there are buildings that are still being repaired since the cataclysm…


So if I understand it correctly “heroic” warfronts will be normal mode easy. Why can’t I have them as a proper Mount Hyjal style ‘raid’.

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Island Expeditions lost its fun when you explained everything about how it’s working. I wonder if you can update islands and make it more… Random and interesting, add cool events, add new modes (endless survival, no alliance, dunno, building a boat and fight on boats for fun). I played alot islands before the islands update, now i barely touch it.

Woulda be nice to recycle oldschool items into it, like, add cool trinkets, patterns, something that disappeared once. Add some archaeology there, make some cool bosses with actual random loot. I dont know what else.

The main thing I loved in Islands it felt like diablo pure randomness. And THAT WAS AWESOME! Maybe make something Endless Halls but with events and fights with bosses, with retrospective what’s happened there once…

Like use Aszhara Crater and some unsused areas to make some activities and etc :smiley: