Live Developer Q&A Friday, 14 December – Submit Your Questions

When we were nearing the launch of BfA you guys said a few classes wern’t done yet, but reworks for them wouldn’t make it in time and their reworks would be pushed back to 8.1. Yet with the 8.1 patch notes I don’t really see any big changes that really overhaul the classes that were mentioned before.

Are the changes pushed back again? Or are the number changes the big overhaul that should bring the classes/specs to places that they are enjoyable for the rest of the expansion? Both shaman and shadow priest still felt really rough on the ptr and there is plenty of feedback on the forums with little to non response from blizzard if they will act upon any of it.


Any mega dungeons like Kara? It was really fun especially with nightbane run.

Please disregard this post, Blizzard, just addressing a question that already has an answer and giving an opinion on another.

Encroaching on the Q&A territory here, but there shall be no mega dungeons in 8.1. However, it was announced at Blizzcon that 8.2 shall bring a 5-man megadungeon: Mechagon! Supposedly it shall have 8 bosses.

Oh, I really hope for an answer to this one. But hopefully sometime after 8.2.5 at the earliest because as it stands, very few classes are fun enough to be able to pull the most out of them for such content.
Legion had a lot more tools to tackle a lot of situations because of the artifact traits and general class/rotation depth.

Hope we get an answer! :smiley:

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When will we be able to play wow on mobile phone?

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When will you give up on your failed warmode experiment?
Will we get back PVP servers after this xpac?
PVP vendors when?


When are the shadowpriest overhauls coming? Number tuning doesn’t address the core issues. Either bring back TBC or WOTLK iterations or actually put some effort into a new design.
Ask some of the vanilla/tbc/wotlk priest class devs for advice if none can be found by the current team.

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When BfA came, a promise was made that abilities we liked would make a comeback. I was genuinely excited about that, and was utterly disappointed when this unprune turned out to be two 1h buffs and tremor totem, and nothing else. Are there plans for a future actual, proper unpruning? I find the game unenjoyable with the current classes.


What are you going to do with sharding and cross-realm feature? The game feels underpopulated and not fun to play at all.

We want the Vanilla server back where you would actually be someone on your realm and not some random within the world.

Even though the story line suggests ‘we’ are the ‘heroes’ to save Zanda and Kul Tiras the game feels the opposite when playing.


Were you expecting BFA to be such a massive letdown since it’s part of your filler expansion cycle?


With charge,harpoon and other movement abilities off the GCD is there a chance all the movement ability will be taken off the GCD as promised ? Currently Divine steed and Wraith walk are still on gcd and are movement abilities just to name a few.


Hi my question is will we ever get our tier sets back? a lot of your class philosophy was enhanced in legion not only by your artifact but in conjunction with tier sets it helped embrace your class fantasy. Will you consider going back to this format of raid gear or will you stay with the azerite concept for the next few expansions to come?


Let me answer this for them: We’re working on the game, trying to improve it, we’re listening to feedback, and we know a lot of people are disappointed with the expansion so far. All feedback is appreciated and the best way to let us know is through our forums yadda yadda


Can you talk about the balance between the different tanks in the game and how you see they fit into the current game play.

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Q: Do you have any updates regarding the Auction House rework?

Q: Is there a chance that we’ll get to see more responses to the war from more of the different races? Currently it doesn’t feel like either of the factions are fully committed


Q: Would it be possible to reduce the amount of spoilers in the PTR?

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Do you have any plans to better balance the mythic+ utility? Rogue shroud and battle rezz are so dominant that almost all of the high end keys have a rogue and either a blood dk or an owl/restro-duid.

What is the plan for the low pop realms? There are only 10 realms with decent population, others are just dead, making recruitment and in most cases mythic raiding not an option on such realms. Any ETA?



What does blizzard make of the state of mind of gaming communities lately? Do you see any correlation in how the majority of the negativity is in predominantly English speaking areas, to the mainly negative English speaking streamers/reviewers. (not just WoW)

Are there any new developments regarding vulpera and sethrak as allied races for the Alliance?
I’m also very interested in the possibility of more customisation options for battle pets (kind of like the Pepe toy and his costumes and hats). Do you have any plans on this front?
Do you intend on expanding the Trial of Style event into something more akin to the large-scale annual events like Hallow’s End, Brewfest, etc.?

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