Live Developer Q&A Friday, 14 December – Submit Your Questions

Can you explain the reason behind the key deletion change? Deleting keys gave players a good way to ensure they don’t end up with a bad draw for the entire week if they get a bad key. With this change it feels like players will be less inclined to run M+ if they happen to get the worst key of the week.


Brawlers Guild in 8.1.5. Will it have more longevity to it than just clearing it once for all the skins and goodies?
Any new hidden stuff? Anything for transmogaholics like myself?! :smiley:

Side note, quite liked the Legion random-brawl system.


will Silvermoon get remodelled?


why can’t we delete our m+ keys in 8.1? some dungeons people just dont like and having the ability to lower it to another random dungeon was a great addition in bfa. taking it away will see less people running keys past their weekly now.

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so many good questions listed, so few will be taken seriously.
so many issues/ideas i have, but i know none will be taken seriously.
so i will mention the 2 i know have traction, and my own most annoying part.

Q1) are there any plans to deal with low pop servers? Time to merge all low pop servers?

Q2) Is there any plans to make items/recipies that need rep available to all alts once one character has the required rep. (new rep changes with 8.1 dont do this and dont go far enough)

Q3) as mentioned above, a lot of the player base is now older with rl responsabilities. will this ever be taken into account with content, both new and old? (ie, less time gating (new) and lessen rng (old) )


Are you planning on adding more world pvp specific content to Warmode? I really loved the specific world pvp zones and world quests in Legion (like bareback brawl) and I was disappointed to not see them anywhere in BFA. I think they would make Warmode more alive and actually pvp focused as people would know where to gather for some wpvp.

  1. In future expansions will the developers consider reviewing professions and reputation vendors so that gear that can be crafted / purchased after a rep grind is still actually relevant by the time you get there.

  2. Will we ever get our pruned class talents back? Classes now feel very limited, some more that others, but 1, 2, 3, while easy to follow gets very boring.

  3. Would the development team consider dropping legendary items for all and the associated grind? A return to the old system that was there pre-Mop where ledgendary items were nice to get but not necessary would be fine. It isn’t legendary if it is a prerequisite to grind it.

  1. Arcane Mage fixes and changes for the better? when?
  2. PvP vendors for conquest? when?
  3. Improvements for War Mode and Open World?

Ive got one:

Why don’t you quit? You clearly suck at it, so why keep annoying everyone more than need be?


Hello guys,

1.Classes should be smooth without azerite traits and specific talents, I think. To play some character which feels incomplete on max level feels bad. When the launch of the new expansion starts i want to be excited in gameplay from Day 1 , not six mouths later.

  1. Do you plan to change the timer in Kings Rest, AOE/ST target dps requirement is very harsh in KR

I wish you the best, long live to WOW

when the team will acknowledge their mistake?
in class design and fun reward worth working on it?


Why have you stopped us destroying keystones for M+? This was an improvement to the system. It avoided ending up with keys that nobody wanted to do, now they will have to be lowered or considered not worth doing.

  1. Will Kua’fon ever become a flying mount?
  2. Any plans for mounted combat in pve?
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Will you also stop using inhouse clickers to upvote questions you feel you can answer instead of the burning ones?
Most upvotes on cross-realm and server merges questions? Really? That’s what the community really wants to know?
Stop it, it’s embarassing…


Going off above. Post.

How many real questions will you answer, or will you be selecting predetermined once that fit your “the game is fine, it’s only a minority of people who are unhappy” narrative.

How long will you continue to promise transparency yet continue to undermine your communities intelligence and avoid the burning questions and leave us hanging for another 6 months.


Longer question, my apologies:

As it stands, a lot of classes got gutted in transition from Legion to BfA. In general, the skill floor and ceilings for most classes is absurdly low, and 8.1 is doing little to address this. Additionally we feel weaker than we have ever been before in WoW - bar maybe vanilla, but isn’t Classic coming for that vanilla feel?
Any plans to re-evaluate what makes players feel powerful when doing content?

(P.S - While it’s not enough in the larger picture, thanks for reimplementing Ursol’s Vortex for Guardian Druids. That ability always felt like a tool to use for skillful play. <3)


Are you considering doing more things like the warlock “Green Fire” quest. For example, a Dark Ranger quest that gives red eyes and undead pet taming.


BfA’s Mage Tower challenge expected when ?


I read somewhere that in 8.1 we are not gonna be able to delete our keys. So if i get a really bad key that i dont want to do, will i have to do it to get a new key, even tho i know it is going to be depleted, and i am not gonna enjoy a second of it?
It just feels like you dont want us to play your game with all these changes.

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Nathanos is supposed to be a super scary ranger lord, yet every time he fights he is always beaten and goes I’ll get you next time like some cartoon villain, can we address that please?