The company is trying to fix past mistakes while the playerbase is trying to recreate past mistakes and neither side moves in any direction is all I am seeing here.
trolls I was online at release and I tried it till 5 in the morning… went to bed after… your privilege thinking is the problem here but its ok stay on LF with half broken guild xD enjoy it that u could profit from an unlocked server isnt even coming to ur mind right?
then you should have had a single char on there. if not then you are just lying.
guys ur bad for not wake up 4 hours before work time to create a character on a re-re-re-cooked classic version
no even recorded everything troll like I said priivilege thinking saying facts without knowing both sides of a cover
You are lying just like many in here sorry. Bit embarassing but I guess that is the wow community sometimes. Enjoy being locked out from a realm you never tried to get on to begin with until your fomo kicked in.
rofl dude, whats wrong with u?
see again things u cant even see and talking like they are facts leave ur hamsterwheel boi
I was online at 5 and made a char.
If you ever feel useless remember Kaivax,the most useless community manager, copy/paste from US forums,and just never answer any question,on EU forum
me 2 and alliance side was locked
Could have still made a char. Your point?
no I couldnt I dont even get what u are doing here when u have a char? textbook troll probably fat without friends but not saying that without knowing its only a observation from your behaviour
yes you said alliance was locked. So make a horde char if you go to bed anyway? Some people just can’t help themself I guess.
haha see how stupid your post are I have era classic guild with 600 ppl we all decided to go alliance and I should chose horde… again go get knowlege first youre missing education?
You failed to get knowledge beforehand to know that servers could get locked as in the past and that you would need one char to make more or even get on there later.
All I see here is one example of many who are in here to insult for their own failure and don’t even see it. Enjoy being locked out and next time maybe learn from your mistake.
Haha made my day it makes me happy knowing a sad character like yours is out there thats makes every look so much better like the cheerleader effect its my fail for not being fast a enough ona service I pay for thinking of the poor
boi I choose to take my money elsewhere would advise you the same will also get you some selfrespect
Yes it’s your “fail” not creating a character when you were on the character screen as you said. You people just try to blame everyone but yourself when most of the time it’s just a you issue.
Goodbye and enjoy yourself and your childish behaviour
You don’t have much knowledge on the matter then…
I would be here I would enjoy but youre here even though u have a char seems to me u are not enjoying