Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

Lone Wolf has no queues at all like all say it will die next weekend,we want Living Flame to be unlocked,i dont want to waste my time on damn dead server,alone without my friends

Living flame and lone wolf really arent that different in aerver pop anymore. Lol hence why above are sayong barely any queues in.

If u think lone wolf will be dead next week. Living flame likely will too

We already know if you don’t roll on Living Flame you’re signing up for having to reroll in a phase or two, it is a fact.

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What exactly is ensuring this?

Queue differences shows that living flame has lost atleast 4000 players. Yoyr aware also locking the servers completely killed 2 vanilla era servers which players spent ages trying to get unlocked due to falling pop.

Are you sure that the fact living flames been locked wont in fact kill it?

You can stay on Chaos or whatever,when retail tourist go and hype is over,will see who and how many will stay, Living Flame will be full and still playing,while we rest will be screwed.

Same happened with wotlik also

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only 1 server of every “fresh” launch prevail and this happened in classic ERA,wotlk fresh, SoM and HC, and its always the main server chosen by the community, so living flame.

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They want you stubborn people to give up because even if living flame had no queue right now, the moment they unlock it it will have a 4k+ queue again.

Either you give up or they will. One or the other will happen soon and I am sure neither will it have to do with you 15 people complaining in a 500 messages thread.

Ive looked at numbers on wotlk and theres defintly more then 1 server up there comparitively by number tracker sites.

Im on lone wolf.

Living flame regardless is locked which means anyone whos just jumped to another server aint there.

A locked server cant be the communities choice and the longer its locked for the less this stands.

i said WOTLK fresh server, they launched like 3 server only 1 prevail, and blizzard killed it after a while by locking it

And why did locking it kill that server but in this case the results are different?

they locked it for like 6 months when there was 0 queues, poppulation start to decrease and new players couldnt join

Well, u dont know living flame isnt gonna be locked for the same length in all honesty.

Dont read then go and play,you have a nice spot on LF so,enjoy i will rather be in 3h queue then end up on empty or dead server and waste my time for nothing ,also what the hell i can without my friends and my guild

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Well yoy wait the months for it to unlock, like every other locked server has taken to unlock, i will buy a transfer if my server dies to take my 60 to living flame. See yoy there lol

seasonal realm transfers will be free as with the last season, even stated on their twitter 6 hours ago.

Well buy or free either way haha

I’ll tag you when Blizzard returns LF to us in the near future


near future we talking hours?

You got confirmation its gonna?