Living Flame EU - Faction Balance

It has come to my attention that SoD developers claim there is some kind of faction balancing system in place that should prevent one faction from being dominant on a server.

Meanwhile, all I’m experiencing while playing horde @Living Flame is a massive number of alliance players vs horde. It’s said that the server is near 50/50 balanced.

I’d love to know if there are any plans of fixing the problem by perhaps opening the server for creation of horde only characters?
Is this even being looked into? How comes the devs believe it’s 50/50 while clearly it’s not, is that an oversight and they’re looking at number of characters ever created and not currently active?

Any and all input on the subject is greatly appreciated.

Also, nerf balance druid pls.

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The realm is full or very close to it, so no, it won’t open for balancing. Or even any other reason.

I think what you are experiencing are layer issues.

Pretty certain it was confirmed within 3.42%.

There are almost just as many horde as there are alliance, theres so many factors blizzard cant fix this.

If alliance average 12 hours gameplay a day.

While horde average 5.

For 7 hours its going to look alliance dominant, however it by numbers, isnt.

The server is within 3% of 50/50.

Its not a oversight, thats just the total numbers on each faction, this doesnt decide how many hours or daus they play, when they play or how they play.

Many will remain offline for the first week to avoid the crowds when trying to level, i know rl people doing exactly this.

Right now the vast majority are spamming SM for levels. So numbers in the open world arent reliable

In December, I deleted my alliance characters on LF, in hopes of rerolling horde. Of course I got locked out of the server completely.

Coming back to check the realm lock now and then, I have noticed that while completely locked for new players, the server also have another layer of “protection” by straight up disallowing alliance character creation. Just to be sure.

I have just had the same issue, and it’s infuriating.

I had some horde characters on there (highest was lvl 16), and I stopped playing and went alliance on the PvE realm so I can solo in peace.

Today, two of my friends started new subscriptions so we could all play together in SoD as alliance on Living Flame EU. So, I delete my nooby characters and tried making a fresh alliance character only to get the alliance races all greyed out due to population imbalance.

It’s a complete joke.

There should be measures in place to make this better for players and we shouldn’t have to be restricted on what we want to play. We chose LF due to the high server population (even though it says ‘Medium’ in the realm list).

I’ve tried raising a support ticket in the hope this can be resolved, absolute nonsense.

Try again later, it will work.

Faction balance is important

You will come to find out the system is a complete joke even when you will manage to roll some characters on LF with your friends. Read some of the old comments above.

Similar player numbers for each faction won’t guarantee you are not getting stomped 10 times on your way to BRD by a gang of neck beards having “fun” pvping…

If you get put on a terrible layer or you are playing at a time your faction is numerically disadvantaged the server won’t magically tell the enemy faction: “sorry boys, you can’t log in, the Alliance doesn’t have enough players online, wait in queue till more Alliance log in first”. No, you will log in and feel like you are playing on a one sided realm.

You were smart picking WG, your friends are just following the herd like sheep. This is how people end up on PvP realms even though they don’t really desire to PvP/not interested to get good at it, and regret everything later.

If you and your friends are PvP enthusiasts, then have at it, just know the faction balance system in SoD is far from perfect.

I’m speaking as someone that has chars both on WG and LF (inb4 someone starts barking at me that I have no idea how things are on LF).

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Clearly Blizz either don’t have time to fix it or don’t think this is an issue.

Even on PvE realm : WG, just compare AH for Horde/Ally.
I had to create alts for alliance and transfer items via neutral AH to level professions on Horde mains, this is not even funny.

horde on pve realm, eww, where is honor in that. i thod pve realms are only for alliance

Why does Living Flame (EU) SoD server not let me create an Alliance character when according to website the server is balanced? only care about active raiders… it has nothing to do with the number of ppl on a server