Living flame queue

how the opening of bwl will be handled ? i’ve already seen 4700 queue how will it be with the coming of ppl from retail and cataclysm

lone wolf was healthy why did you force people to move there characters

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yeah crusader strike horde side was fine aswell and at last the economy wasn’t destroyed by bots like living flames…

gotta love the ****ing radio silence on this issue.
like HELLO?
can we get some ****ing customer service here!?
queues after YOU decided to make “mega servers” with your fancy “new technology” is ****ing absurd!!!

Open up transfer, from Living Flame to Wild Growth! Queue issue resolved!

15 min queue the horror, mon

No, that would not solve the problem. Fwoibles posted on Twitter (instead of the forum) that the name reclamation caused massive bugs that reduced server capacity.


it started already!?

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No thanks… we got enough