As far as I’m aware, it’s only really trolls, vulpera and a few other races that seem to worship Loa: But from what I can tell, they aren’t exactly unique to any race necessarily are they? I know some Loa are actually creatures that were once regular ol’ mortals. Bwonsamdi was most likely a troll based on his appearance, yeah? Vol’jin is apparently slated to becoming a genuine Loa.
I want to dig into the concept of having a loa-worshipping Tauren, but I don’t like comitting to concepts if it’s completely out of the question (Vampires could be an example of such a case).
I suppose, considering how Loa are mostly creatures from the emerald dream, that it’s more of a cultural disposition, is it not? Trolls call them Loa, while a tauren might just call them “spirits”.
Well the Loa, Wild Gods and August Celestials are the same thing but just a different name given from by the races of Azeroth. Where the trolls worship the Loa as their main gods other races like the Night Elves worship Wild Gods like Cenarius, you’ve also got others like …
Aviana - Worshiped by Night elves, Tauren, Trolls and Harpies.
Chi-Ji - Worshiped by the Pandarians.
Ohn’ahra - Worshiped by the High mountain Tauren.
Agamaggan - Worshiped by Quil boar, Tauren and Night Elves.
Goldrinn / Lo’Gosh - Orcs, Tauren, Night Elves, Troll.
There are so many others that are worshiped by different races but the lore in game is not all that clear and can be missed. WoWpedia is a great source of information or someone like Nobbel and his vids help a lot.
As for the Loa, Wild Gods and August Celestials they predate any known race of Azeroth are were created by the keeper Freya when the Titans reshaped the planet.
Sethraliss - Sethrak, Trolls
Kimbul - Tortollans, Trolls
Torga - Tortollans, Trolls
Gral - Tortollans, Trolls (and according the Gral-Adorned Astrolabe “A reminder that the shark loa watches over every voyage.” possibly everyone who reguraly travels at sea - maybe even secretly the Kul tirans too, would fit the whole theme; sailors always were supersitiocus bunch, honoring the sea and its spirits and gods and ghost… )