Loading screen stuck at 90% and characters gone

It’s happening again. Either the login bar get’s stuck at 90% or I’ll be able to login and see the black hole of darkness where my character should be. Anone else with this problem?

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Try restarting your client - it worked for me :slight_smile:

Hey Fades,

It looks like you were affected by the brief connection issues we experienced last night. These have now been resolved and you should be able to login and play as normal :slight_smile:


No problem persist for lot of players.

Yes the realms seems to have no characters on them, but once i enter the realm I see the characters but even when i trying logging in the game, the loading bar gets stuck at 90% and disconnects me, bringing me back to the character selection screen with an error declaring “Character Not Found”

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The problem persists for me as well. Resetting the client hasn’t helped.

I am having same issue.Tried resetting a billion times.

I’m having the same issue. It doesn’t show my existing characters until I login to a Server. When I try to create a new character, charactercreation gives me a timeout message after half a minute. Tried on different realms with low population. Result is always the same. Loadingtimes are extremely long aswell: when loading realmlist, realms and loading up the charactercreation screen on realms with no characters on them yet.

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Not resolved, persisent on Magtheridon. ‘Character not Found’ issue…its affecting the Americas also and Blizz CS America have announced they are working on it…

You may want to contact your American counterpart my dude.

Exactly the same here - no chars to be seen anywhere and very long loading times… Playing on EU servers…

same issue here!

Same on Twisting Nether EU.

still not fixed, loaded to 90% and then character not found… expecting at least 1 day playtime refund

Issue still persists on Nordrassil EU.
Loading when logging-in gets stuck at 75% and then it reports “Character not found” error.

Having the same issue on DeathWing

Not resolved. Still Having same issue. Stuck at 90% and after couple minutes “character not found”

UK 07:47am EU Nagrand problem still persists,
Not seeing characters, have to select realm, then a black screen for a long time, then see characters but cant login at all with useful error message, character not found.

This is a same problem we have seen time and time again, its obviously not fixed each time what is the actual problem that is happening and how are you fixing it because it obviously doesn’t work and will happen again in the future.

samething on tarren mill EU

Closing this as the current issues are unrelated to the OP:

Please direct your posts to the new thread here: Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found' - #75 by Ferumlac