Locating your pet in a battle?

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Realistically, no. But you can manage your pet better through 2 simple macros: petattack and petfollow.

macro /petattack into your abilities so that it is for the most part always attacking the target you want to attack.

For example

#showtooltip Raise Dead
/use [nopet] Raise Dead

You should also have a petfollow macro to have it return to you. You can macro this into your mount for example, assuming you have that keybinded.

#showtooltip Acherus Deathcharger
/cast Acherus Deathcharger

lastly and importantly: make sure your pet is on passive. if its on defensive or assist it will run off to narnia every few seconds. passive + /petattack will make sure its always attacking your target. /petfollow for returning to you.

Heres a video i found of some unholy dk guy showing his macros

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the /petattack macros mean your pet will attack your target when you press that button.

For example

#Showtooltip Death Coil
/cast Death Coil

your pet will start attacking the target you death coil, even if it is on passive. And it won’t stop until you call it back with a /petfollow macro, or clicking the petfollow button.

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