I decided that I want to play through old expansions, but not with a character that one shots through everything. I already know that this is possible and will lock my character somewhere ~lvl 45-60 (no idea if it matters, I guess as long it doesnt reach level 70?)
Now to the issue that I seem to be facing, I created a new character - and started a timewalking campaign for Shadowlands. However, what seem to happen is that when I skip some parts (option given by questgivers) - in the end, I’m free to choose where I want to begin; Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, etc… However, there is no actual storyline, is this due to that I skipped via the option? For instance, now all the maps are empty - and there is no “Shadowlands Campaign” in my questlog.
Also, if anyone else have done this before - feel free to give some tips.
I am going to give you my Standard Advice here.
When playing through multiple old expansions, I believe the best way is to make a different character for each expansion.
- You get to play through on a variety of classes and races.
- You can switch from one to another when you’re getting a little tired of one.
- At the end, you have a whole team of level 70s to choose from.
Sure, you can lock your XP on one character and do them all, but it seems to me that multiple characters has advantages every way you look at it.
As for what level to lock XP at, I have read posts saying that Chromie stops offering options at 69, so don’t go above 68. There is probably some optimum level at which you can be relatively strongest with the right gear, but I don’t know what that is. I know that twinked-out level 10s and 11s can be superheros with dungeon scaling, but I’m not sure how that works in the world, and if I was questing through, I’d want to have most of my full toolkit of spells and talents available.
When it comes to Shadowlands specifically, then yes, it sounds like you have skipped through the Shadowlands Campaign. I don’t quite know how you skipped - Shadowlands quest joining and skipping is a mess - but if you are already at the point where you can choose a Covenant, and you have no Campaign section in your quest log, then that character can’t do the Shadowlands questline again.
That character should be able to do the Sojourner achievements for each zone though - for completing side-quests off the MSQ.
I’m not quite sure why you would want to, since according to your achievements you have already finished Shadowlands on some character, but if you do want to do the main Shadowlands Campaign again, you will need to make a new alt, and be cautious about what you skip.