Lock Cursor To Window Options Stops Work After Restarting The Game

This has been a problem and annoyance for several months now but the lock cursor to window option doesn’t stick, I will enable the option, and the mouse cursor stays in the window, I will close the game, start it again, and even though lock cursor to window is still ticked and enabled the cursor doesn’t lock to the window, I have to untick the option, then tick it again for it work, but then it of course stops working again once I restart the game, it’s rather annoying and I hope it can be fixed.

Still broken and not working, it’s infuriating constantly having to disable and enable it, surely this can’t be that difficult to fix…

I have to ask, have you actually reported it to Blizzard, or only made a forum post about it?

Forum posts are NOT bug reports. Blizzard does not accept bug reports via the forums, on the EU side. Bug reports are made from within the game, click the “Submit feedback or report a bug” button under the support menu.

I did 2/3 months ago or so but nothing yet so I thought I’ll try the forums as well, guess I’ll report it again.

Newest patch still didn’t fix it, cmon blizzard can’t be that difficult to fix, even games released 20 years ago can manage to do this right…

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