Locked out of loot after kick from raid mid-pull

I was just pugging Normal Nerub-ar Palace, and as we were fighting Queen Ansurek, the tank failed to taunt during the last phase and we wiped as the boss got pulled on top of the adds, exploding the entire raid. No big deal, happens, we go again. Then on the next pull, I happened to die to a dumb mistake myself (which is also the only mechanical mistake I made during the entire raid), I used my movement at the wrong time and got Devoured by the boss during phase 1 intermission. Immediately after this happened, I (and another person in the raid who happened to die from the same mechanic) got kicked from the raid. During an encounter, there is no timer that will teleport you out of the group, and as I was dead I couldn’t hearth out or anything either, I was stuck there. The group ended up killing the boss, but I was unable to loot, missing out on possibly a mount, WuE gear, crests, valorstones, and unable to roll on any of the loot that did drop.
On top of that, I am now locked for the boss as well for the rest of this week, meaning I can’t find another group to do it over and try and get my loot either.

This system is busted, and needs to change. Disallow kicking during a boss encounter, or something else, but the way this currently works is extremely un-fun, unfair and gives room for a lot of toxicity.


I think nobody should kick or votekick in combat so you cant get kicked during fight boss else I dont know if it is good idea. It sucks when It happens and it sounds like loot bug to me!?

Happened to me because I messed up one of the mechanics. And no it wasn’t anything major otherwise they wouldn’t have one shot the boss.

But seeing as it seems someone could just kick loads of people right before a kill and take all the loot, yeah I’d say it’s pretty borked.


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