Logging server problem ?

Cant log into the game,stuck on “Logging into game server” .Someone else got this problem ? And getting disconnected after that.


Yup. Same here! What is going on?

Yup Error - WOW51900102

same here.

yes, i have the same problem, let me know if you figure out what’s wrong

Same here :frowning: Error code wow51900319. In the UK

Having the same both in retail and classic.

same issue

same here zzZzz i just changed my realmlist to do the headless horseman and couldnt log in

Keeps saying "You have been disconnected. (WOW51900102).

same here:disappointed_relieved:

Same problem here, stuck at “logging in”, then gets disconnected.

I know that alot of ppl are having this problem, me included. but can everybody please NOT type that they are having this problem so someone with an actual fix can appear in the chat?

we are typing so blizzard sees it , i dont think anyone can fix it other then blizz


It might otherwise get buried perhaps?

same problem here, though it writes “WOW51900319”. what’s going on? Is it again provider’s issue? (ISP: wind , greece )

Loving Error Code: WOW51900319 :frowning:

Also having the same error WOW51900102 on Wow1 (EU) BFA

England Here

I think that they will see it regardless if 20+ ppl type “same here”…

Same. Since i can log to bnet, its not the provider. WOW51900102
from Hungary

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