Login & Connection Issues - 2024/08/14

I am also stuck to logging in to game server. My last played character is on dreanor but one character in my warband is on silvermoon. Let me know if it goes away for you guys. Dont know if it is a problem to my computer or à global problem

this could be a massive flaw.
at least before we could pop onto a realm which wasn’t screwed - now we are funneled to one and it’s down then no warcrafty for you sonny…

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Same issue.

Originally on first try it was showing Silvermoon server was down, then about 30 seconds later it was online.

All you get now is the new background with the message ‘Logging into game server’. It seems to be frozen at this point.

DC’d (Draenor) and cant log back to any server now

same have characters on silvermoon in warband

Same problem. Silvermoon.

Same problem. Silvermoon Eu

The problem started with Silvermoon, but now I can’t even connect to the main server.

Same issues on Silvermoon server. Sounds like it’s the login-/authentication server . I don’t even get a serverlist because it’s stuck at “Logging in to game server” and nothing is happening for 1 hour now.

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Silvermoon EU same

since most of the gamemasters are now bots :smiley: they probably will ask us to restart the game client at some point :smiley:


Yup, same here on EU Silvermoon

Same for me, EU Silvermoon

any server , i cant log any server :frowning:

This week’s maintenance schedule
World of Warcraft: The War Within|14/08/2024, 03:00|-|14/08/2024, 11:00|Game unavailable during this time

I try to change realm to other EU servers and they actually works, but when I choose in my warband characters from Silvermoon it’s stuck at “Logging in to game server”.


Just dropping this here for Blizzard to read: Currently (14.08. at 10:25am) having constant disconnect issues on Tarren Mill. The log in process is now doubled or tripled. It takes multiple minutes to get into the server and the character list also takes another minute or so to load. When I do get in the game, I get disconnected again within minutes.


Same here and on server status Silvermoon is on… :roll_eyes:

Yes, server is still down, can’t log in.

Where do you read the news updates now? I used to get them when launching the game but since the UI update to TWW, the log on the left side screen is gone.