Login Servers are Full - Disconnect

I’m greeted with login servers are full, a 5-10 minute wait, and then a DC at the end of the queue. Each time this happens, the queue grows in duration.

Is anyone else having this issue? Very frustrating to queue only to instantly be disconnected.


Absolutely the same issue for me :((( looking as my friends playing and I can’t

Estimated wait: 74466 minutes… What the hell blizz?


Similar issue - login servers full - stuck in the Queue and the numbers are not decreasing, just stuck with login time “calculating” - Sad times Blizzard - not a great start to Shadowlands with what is a tiny pre-patch in comparison to the expansion.

Edit: Got into the character screen - now stuck around the 70% mark on the loading screen…one issue after another…


Yeah, I got to wait 84128 minutes for a log in…Translated into days it is 58 days. What is going on Blizz?!? How can you fail this hard with the servers?


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Do you all Think it would work to relog if the Queen duration increases ?

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For me it is stuck on “calculating” for ages now. The position in queue does not change whatsoever

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Me too… It happens right now.

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Yep, same here. It’s so frustrating


Yes i have been through the queu for 4 times now but it instantly disconnects me


Same. It’s actually quite unacceptable that we’re unable to play past 5 pm when people get off work because servers are apparently overloaded.

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So, not solution already?

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Yeah and this is only the prepatch… can’t even imagine what it will be like when Shadowlands comes out


@ [Raxuen] 10 times here at least :wink:

You do know all the techincal behind the expansion is done at pre-patch? The expansion content is just flipping a switch when all the systems are already in place, and the core code/systems are updated in the pre-patch. The pre-patch will always be the patch with most issues…

Blizzard this game is from 16 years, you have the best technology available and every time it is the same - INDIE COMPANY has more stable servers

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yes and the queu gets bigger and bigger . atm 460 ish

Same here; first I got a queue with 2 mins waiting time, after that one I got into another queue with the announcement “login servers are full”; finally I do got in, and got a DC immediately. I’m on my… “I - don’t - know - how - many - attempts” now…
WTF, Blizz!!! Sort this out; been working all day and just want to play my game and relax, not stress out more. :rage:


Imagene you’ll need to be online in time to go raid, Spinvis :sob: :sob: :sob:

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