Login servers down?

Same as 3 days ago I cannot connect to the game.


I can’t change the server to log other characters on other servers.

It hangs on ‘Logging in to game server’ then DCs, with error WOW51900123 ftl.

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Same issue, can’t log in.


Same error - WOW51900123. There goes my weekly no leavers feelsbadman

Same here. Managed to get into character menu but when I tried to connect to the character it said “Locked…”

Covid strikes Blizzard servers once again. RIP

I managed to get into my character selection screen but almost all my characters are now expansion locked for some reason because they are all Dark Iron.

I’m getting the same Error. And I can’t loging onto my account info here either. Getting Server error 500 as well.

Maybe they are trying to sweep bfa under the rug and the game itself tries to forget that it ever happened.


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Update : after trying 30+ times I eventually got in, but got a message that I did not own any of the expansions. after another 10 tries it seems fine.

Yup… same here…

Update on update : I got dc’d after 2 minutes and can not get back in again :slight_smile:

Same problem here…

Update: I managed to get online. Seems am… stable?

same probem

Same issue here. WOW51900123

Same issue for me. Alonsus-EU

Same issue here… RIP

Same here - Emeriss realm