Logout to avoid death

So earlier some guy stole my item, waiting for me to pull. It made me salty but didnt say anything in game.

Later i saw him surrounded by harpies and alas like the awful person i am, i watched as he was close to dying then poof vanishes. I realised he must of logged off, he wasnt sat down so must have been an Alt F4 or exit game.

Then a few minutes later he confirms my suspicions by re appearing… surely the game should have some sort of mitigation in place for this? or is / has this been a well known issue and i am the only loser not doing it?

Sure could have been a disc, but highly coincidental in the 20 minutes were in proximity the time it happens is when hes gone over his head to trying to get ahead for quest loot

They decreased the time in which your character stays in game because of potential dc’s, but I am not sure how short a time it is now. But if people are doing that to cheat the game then perhaps they need to increase the time by a few more seconds.

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It is just one of those classic examples of someone exploiting a fair system.

So it is kinda an either or situation here. Either you let somebody abuse the system, or you let people who really did DC die. Neither is a win. Letting the DC abusers go, is probably the lesser of the two evil.

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Afiak your char remains in game world for 20 seconds after alt+ f4 so it was either a rogue with vanish or they would have died.

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If you pull the plug, the game reacts differently than an logout order through the game console. On DF you would remain online for 20sec, but on hardcore to save your char if you accidentally DC, you get removed quite snappy. The plugpull is reacted to as an accidental DC by the game.

Evil is evil… lesser, greater, middling. It’s all the same. If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”

Sorry, I had to do it.


Not saying you’re wrong; but I’ve seen nowt official about this.

You can give it a go, on a test char. I haven’t tested it personally, so I cant say for 100% sure - but it is what I was told. So give it the benefit of the doubt. As it is a logical failsafe.

If you are available at your computer, just make a char, pulls some mobs - pull the plug (the physical cable or turn off your wifi card), then see what happens.

Stuff like this would not be said officially, as it would be more commonly abused.

Warrior, if i didnt witness it with my own eyes id probably of thought there was several reasons, but it was a perfect situation of trying to get ahead of a few other players for the quest items in the harpy area in durotar and ended up swamped

Bozoh, make yourself a spare character. Pull some mobs, pull the plug (alt+f4 alone is not enough) - then come back to us with what happened.

That way you recreated the exploit and you wont be second guessed. Or, there is something else fishy going on and we can work on discovering that.

Another thing to test could be. Logging into another character, to force despawn your other character from the world.

I’m not home for a few hours yet so will give this a try later :+1:

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Definitely would be good to know the approximate time between a DC and the character being booted. I’m tempted to say that it’s no more than 10-20 seconds atmo.

DC’d from WoW last night mid combat in a pretty precarious position and alt-f4’d on a Hunter. Logged back in five minutes later following a character unstuck and found myself at the graveyard with a dead pet and 10% HP remaining.

I’m positive that I would have died had it taken any longer than 10-15 seeing as my character wasn’t going to start melee auto attacking of its own accord after the mob came for me.

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So sure I read of this somewhere Blizz saying Stay in game would be less on HC to help people survive DC but not zero so people could pull plug like in OPs post and survive. Seems he was lucky.

I’ve had to guard my disconnected friend’s body on more than one ocassion in HC Classic.

No special rules in HC as far as I’m aware.

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Does not work. Had friend help me test. 30 secs to disappear on pulled plug :frowning:


I just tested it too and I got 33 seconds before the character disappeared fully. I pressed Alt-F4 and started a timer on my phone.

Being inactive for that long will mean you die against a few mobs, unless you have some kind of bubble.

Edit: It’s 18 seconds if you use “Exit game”. It’s 33 if you kill the process in the task manager.


How exactly did you test it? With a friend? Do you have 2 accounts?

Normally it’s some minutes. Now it’s only some seconds? I mean, HS need 10 seconds and if you got hit, it cancelled…

So you just exit and this is it?

Can someone confirm the time or how exactly does it work? Why we don’t have blue posts about crucial aspects of the game?

I have two accounts, mainly so I can play both factions on Era PvP realms.

I did those things and started a stopwatch at the same time. I did it with two characters on Nek’rosh in the Orc/Troll start area. I had them facing one another so I could see when they disappeared. Those times are accurate.

I would guess it’s 30 seconds then it makes it disappear in the last 3 seconds and 15 seconds for the exit game plus the 3 it actually takes to fade the character.

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Me? Yes friend om one account, me on other in same room. We both made Tauren. I tagged him, he flipped switch, I start timer. Exactly 30 sec before his toon faded out.

So you want to tell me that exit game is 15s while hearthstone is 10s and can be cancelled if you got attacked?

What about exit game, if you being attacked? Can someone test it?