Lol i have brand new characters i never made. Did my warband include account wide accounts

the heck, this is awkward blizzard.


Uhh… what?

Do you mean like you had multiple accounts and now you can see them all from the same login screen?

Or are you getting other people’s characters? That would be pretty insane and would warrant closing the realms down immediately.

this would be very very very worrying

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no i think i received someone elses toon llol

!! That’s really bad. If you’re sure, go to support immediately. If you have X, please @ Blizzard support for both EU and NA.

I just logged in and my warband looks correct. I just hope they’re not accessible from other accounts now!

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this is really worryin. if chars are shared i cant imagine other info.

I just ran into my first issue. Not a big one for me, but for the sake of new players, this should be fixed immediately because they aren’t going to be aware. It has auto-defaulted to creating characters on the Medivh realm instead of my existing realms.

What’s the problem with that, you might ask?

The problem is that Medivh is French, and I’m not, nor is my client. In fact, what my client just did wasn’t even possible last patch.


this would a very long day i dare to say… ill check this evening if mine are ok.

There are a lot of issues atm with the prepatch. Give them time to work through everything and report new things you find.

So you just believe what some random says in internet and start panicking. Ok.

It could be you had some toons in other realms that you forgot about, my friend :slight_smile:


This. The one and only sane answer.

Check those character’s realm. You probably made those characters a long time ago on your non-main realm and forgot about them. They now auto show up regardless of which realm is selected.

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If you’re sure

I believe that implies I don’t blanket believe he’s right, but encourage him to investigate further and take measures, wouldn’t you say?

You know what bores me to tears? People who accuse me of being stupid but can’t even read a simple conditional sentence.

It’s happened 3 times in 2 weeks now. Could people give it a rest?

Panda problems.

Look, I know you’re undead and can’t help the fact that you were resurrected a bit late, but just… try. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can you imagine? Free gold :joy:

You mean free dollars.

I’ve wanted to make an addon that restates all the prices on tooltips in terms of EUR by using the latest recorded (in-game) token price. :smiley:

Were you on the correct realm previously? When I clicked it it went onto swc which I was already on and is my main realm so I don’t know why that would happen

It set my new realm to Medivh even though Tarren Mill was the one I had before.

But my characters are still on the realms they’ve always been.

Interestingly, Ishayo shows up in the wrong transmog on the Warband screen unless I have set Tarren Mill as my new character realm.

It’s all a little broken. Lots of fun little bugs they didn’t find on the alpha or beta (because their realm setup made it impossible to detect)

I won’t be worried until I find one of Puny’s numerous paladins in my list.

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