Lol we lost 2k more overall

We just lost 2k more overall dps on simcraft LMAO. They are still nerfing ret, I have nothing to say about this dumbness

Euhm euhm Retri are u blind? They are far ahead of other melee dps? I mean be glad you arent a BM hunter that doesnt perform well.

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No I am not blind , Paladins are not far ahead for any means. I am spending hours for simcraft dont tell me. 10 spec like Enhance shaman, shadow priest, fury warrior, DH, Balance druid and more all of those classes doing 20-30k more overall.

Lol ye right

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Check M plus logs with 90 parse and see where is ret paly.

Where is your evidence? I saw no nerf to ret dmg. Also SIM is irrelevant it can be helpfull sometimes but if you worship it and read it like a Gospel. not a good thing to do.

I dont agree every thing in this game calculating by simcraft. I had 118.5k overall damage on sim and now its 116k.

Ret paladins are back at the usual mid-high mid tier …they are not the top melee dps …not even the second top melee dps.
For M+ their aoe is pretty good but the ST damage is medicore at best. I’m saying this with a 442 KSH paladin btw…
For raids you can see the logs. Most fights are ST fights so even with ST build you are mid tier as ret.
And on top of that there is no sign of inc nerfs for arcane mages or demo locks and those are ahead of everyone else by a huge margin.
Also some buffs are coming for rogues, hunters etc… and no changes for Ret so far …which usually means a last minute nerf so I wouldn’t be suprised with some targeted bs 5-10% nerf here and there or a flat 3% overall nerf.

Aoe is where its at, In m+ i do 140-150k dps overall fortified weaks its crazy strong, But single target is lacking, On mythic Rashok For example i only did 115k dps, as Ret single target is clunky and weird atm. The problem is we scale worse than many classes, due to versa being our best stat atm. As mastery is not that good due to rework. So you go Versa+ crit atleast above 30%. I would realy like Crusade build to be viable but it wont be the case due to mastery no longer scaling like it used to.

Fun fact.
Sim without WF totem and you can play CSAA instead of Templar Strike.
Play CSAA and have the funny situation that Haste turns into your mainstat.

Doesnt change the fact that Paladin have a “lower” scaling then other classes. We “top” (according to sumulationscraft) at 129k singletarger DPS where other classes go up to 147k. source: https:// www.simulationcraft. org/reports/T30_Raid.html
That is a BIG diffrence.

But “simDPS” is not “real world” DPS. The amount of DPS you can actually make in an encouter where movement is involved has an impact, something that you can c if you look at warcraftlogs.

M+ is a diffrent story. There are classes that have nearly no DPS loss if they spec into AoE (Hello furor warrior) and other classes lose 30%. Sometimes you can make a hyprid spec but thats not always an option.

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