Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

same. Fix plz.

спик енглиш ю ступид рашян нубс

More than half of the players play for themselves and do not read your chats. If you want to win, then gather your group of people, rather than look at the character’s name and whether he can speak it. Many ignore chat. Your opinion is heard, please, do not flood the topic anymore. People have raised a serious topic and it must be addressed!


Many thanks Blizzard for making Ru WoW a reservation and for BG issues.
Don’t forget to charge my credit card next month!

You think the mods moves because a cyrillic name wrote in cyrillic on the English forum? Not really. I’m just demonstrating the chaos it would lead to if nobody would compromise to communicate in English, by writing in my own first language.

I’ll do it in-game too. I hope others will do it in-game as well, to truly demonstrate the value of region locks.

Helt rätt, kompis!! KÄMPA!! PUSHA!! GE DET ALLT DU KAN!!!

Glöm inte bort att äta middag sen, kompis!

Blizzard does not react in any way, and does not try to help the players, but to arrange a reservation and limit people is always welcome.

Make AV great again! Fix IT!!!

Blizz help us !

Cuz everything that doesn’t cater to you means it’s automatically “rusophobic”, right?
Newsflash: They ignore everything. The North American forum is the only place with direct access to the decision-makers.

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idk how could we play on this bugged queue every god damn hour
Blizz pls fix it

Blizzard, you need to fix this, we see where you failed on Classic

Same problem. This queues make me unhappy.

Same! This make me angry!

Newsflash: They ignore everything. The North American forum is the only place with direct access to the decision-makers.

Seems like they ignore everything but EU whiners who has whined out their RU-free BG teams.

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Russia belongs to the EU region, so we want to play with all the EU regions, and now we have been deprived of this, the queue for BG 25 min at the last 1-5 min? lightly .

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Sure, start communicating in English on average and tell Blizzard to add automatic romanization of the cyrillic letters to the client, and you’ll be welcomed back with open arms.
Until then, realms for other languages were given for good reason. It’s the abomination in retail that led to this crap.

Xrealm matchmaking altogether shouldn’t even be a thing in classic.

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I hope blizz will see all these posts and they will decide this problem by any ways, cuz it’s crap

2 days ago there was no problem !!!

Jaha, så du vill spela på det sättet. Vad trevligt.