Long awaited backpack locked behind 10 months of RAF

If it were in game you wouldn’t be able to craft it or buy it anyway. You’d have to be exalted with some new faction in a time-gated rep grind which had absolutely nothing to do with backpacks.

Here’s blizzard’s logic.

We argue, we riot or whatever. We sh*t talk about their greed.

In the meantime, people are buying the 10 months and recruit friends to do it, to get this backpack and the other rewards. While we’re sitting here arguing and not even quitting the game.

So they’re losing a bit of reputation for money. Who cares. As long as pockets are filled.

But, if this money ends up leading to better expansions in the future, It no longer matters if it’s greed or honorable. We get better content because of it, and that’s all that matters.

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It’s a shame. I would love to have it

Idk…I think all races use backpacks to carry stuff…maybe they will make a special backpack worshipping tribe with those little guys from mop

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People, not saying you, have been given them ideas and suggestions through the years. They can practically grind these forums to see what kind of new moneysuck ideas and feedback they can get from it and they did.

I know that i have no one in my network to get to play wow, ever, i’m not going to make a RAF account so i won’t be able to get any of the RAF rewards. I did it once, it ended in getting the 2nd account banned for reasons i don’t know.

Just move on and get past this if you don’t want to RAF, you will never get it.

Most people getting this will have gotten a new account and pay 12 months themselves.
Its a way to get whales to pay 120€ for some coveted cosmetics and get less outrage then if they put it in the shop for that price.

Like I said elsewhere, just free yourself from the “compulsion” to get seemingly exclusive or limited things if you don’t enjoy meeting the requirements or resent the conditions. You likely already missed out on plenty of stuff (old CE pets, discontinued mounts and titles, previous RaF mounts, and so on) and you presumably liked your character without any of that stuff.

No, I don’t agree with €120 cosmetics that were previously said to be not feasible when requests for cloak alternatives were suggested, and I feel that this needlessly irritates the loyal customer base, but financial numbers weren’t stellar, so revenue boosting measures aren’t surprising. In a roundabout way it will benefit the game. And who knows, they may yet add cloak alternatives in a future expansion when the revenue boost from RaF falls off.

Yes it irritates me but i won’t let myself get trapped by them.

The hopes for the future you express, they have never ever made RAF rewards available through other means in the game.

There were other spectral mounts and other two-seat mounts, though. Not the same ones, but close enough. I admit I’m not really into transmog or mounts, so I don’t mind as much as I would if these were things that mattered to me. I do understand the irritation, though. There was a time when cash items in a subscription-based, for-pay game sat really poorly with me, but the gamer base as a whole accepted these practices.

really? thats feels lame and like the old saying " a slap in the face"

missed quivers since the removed it , and the Artifact was a tease…

So many people just don’t want to accept the fact that their favorite game company simply… f***ed up. Activision is the store mounts and the store in general. But to blame everything on Activision and not hold blizzard accountable and say “it’s Activision not blizzard” it’s simply naïve and stupid. All those games that they made are older than half of the Overwatch audience. Blizzard that we had so many years ago is gone. Gaming industries changed. Blizzard changed too.

lets be real they can get away with anything atm because most people that are critical about their practices are playing classic and simply dont bother with retail atm.
the people that are still playing and enjoying bfa dont mind stuff like this or are happy to pay a certain amount of money for a quick dopamin fix

Welcome to retail lmao

Bliz: We finaly made proper archeology rewards! It’s locked behind RAF! Pay us and start a 2nd account!

That mog set looks so good…

Thats why its dessert themed, because its a pyramid scheme


Yeah? Well, they can keep them. :grinning:


It’s 200 IQ management.

Because BFA sucks azz and people spit on it while they go to play Classic, they HAVE to do something to make the remaining people use RAF in order for blizzard to get more players. This is a very good solution in their marketing’s eyes.

I hope it isn’t too much to ask for them to add a backpack to the game too, even if it was just one alternative.

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All these items would have been perfect for Archeology. The title, the set, the mounts. Nope, behind a 100$+ paywall


They should have etched the name “Kotick” on the backpack for added flavour.