Long freezes after every loading screen after v11 patch

Does anyone have this too? I think it wasnt THAT bad in the wednesday, but today its almost unbearable to use portals…

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This is happening to me too, but the weird thing is that only happens with my Demon Hunter, every other character that I have isn’t having this freezes… I’m trying to solve it by doing every single thing you can do with usual freezes. I’ll edit this if I find the solution.

I have this on all my chars unfortunately

All characters is bad and you should get some compensation for that- I only have it on 15 characters - issue seems around for some but Blizz not acknowledging it and closing tickets with the usual insulting boilerplate response. Do you have a lot of alts I have 50+ and is it possibly an issue for those with many characters and the game can’t cope?

This is happening to me as well. Best to wait for a week or two and they’ll probably get around to fixing it.

I must also add to the loading freezes I have some inventory bug for few days now, at some point my inventory just doesnt respond, items dont move or clickable, only game restart helps.

I don’t know what they did or if it’s even on the hotfixes, but with this week reset it got fixed for me. My DH no longer has the post-teleportation/post-reloads freezes.

I’ve also had the same problem. It all started last week when the patch hit live od the 24th. After login in on my main first I noticed all of my action bars were gone (disabled), then after on all of my alts aswell. When I joined a raid the game kept laging and freezing when there was more than 5+ players, but only in raids and not in major city hubs. Later on my alts doing some LFR then the loading screens occured, the loading screen went away, but the game was frozen for me for about 2-3 min, even the windows popup asked me if I want to wait or close WoW. I tryed both options, after closing it took even longer to login and it was still frozen after the loading scrren, and then after trying the waiting option, it unfroze after those 2-3 min. I tought it was my internet connection but it was not. Hope this will be fixed soon, will post and update later tonight if there are any changes/improvements.

yes they fixed it, at least its muuuch better now, but still it freezes sometimes

I’m experiencing freezes only on my mage and only in Legion Dalaran. It happens uppon first login in on that character. Noticed also freezes happens around both banks.

Check if characters with this particular problem are in a large guild. It sounds stupid, but 2/4 of my characters experienced these symptoms, both were in an 800-person guild. Other characters, that were in smaller guilds did not experience such problems, although they had the same set of addons and profiles. For me, the immediate fix was leaving the guild. I’m afraid to recommend such a radical solution, but maybe test it on alternative characters so as not to lose a good guild if this solution won’t work for you.

My mage is not in a guild and still got freezes. Also in my case I got freezes only in Legion Dalaran and only on one character - my mage.

I have the exact problem, every time I log in or use any portals, I get a good 40 to 60 seconds freezing of the game I tried anything and I found out that “if your character is in a guild, especially a large one you get stuck freeze on the loading screen or after” I tried on my non-guild character and the problem was gone, deleting all the addons, WTF folder, cache folder, reinstalling the game and switching to DX11 non will fix this problem and it’s completely is on the server/game side problem.
We Need a Fix !!!

is everyone experiencing this in a large guild? it seems like the chat history lag when loading the guild screen has gone and been replaced with completely freezing up the game for long enough to make windows believe it has stopped responding on any zone change - HS, portal, summon, LFG, LFR

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