Long term WOW PLAYERS looking for guild Mirrage Raceway

We are rolling on a different server but if you are willing to try a PvP server, i think we could be a good fit for you. My contact info is in the post.

Discipline is a semi-hardcore guild with a core of experienced retail mythic raiders with some knowledge of Classic WoW through private servers and a few Vanilla veterans. Our goal is to be among the top alliance guilds on Mirage Raceway and progress through all tiers of content, while keeping in mind that real life obligations are a thing. We offer a high quality, streamlined and serious raiding experience with plenty of fun outside of raids.

If you’re interested in joining us, post a quick summary about yourself in the recruitment channel on our discord: discord.gg/b3bv9Jj. You can also send Caelstron#0638 or Kora#1891 a message on discord or add Caelstron#2857 or Munchies#11691 on battlenet.

What we are looking for
Tank Warrior - Open to off-tanks
DPS Warrior - Open
Holy Paladins - Open
Hunters - Open
Rogues - Open
Feral Druid - Open to a feral off-tank
Restoration Druid - Open
Priest - Open
Mage - Open
Warlock - Open
We are also open to social members - especially those who may decide raiding tickles their pickle

Raiding Schedule
All raid times are in CEST during the summer and CET during the winter.
Wednesday 18:00-22:00 (Progression)
Sunday 18:00-22:00 (Progression)
Tuesday 18:00-22:00 (Progression P1 and 2, farm P3 onwards)


Essential, Its the best.

Hey there, I am also very similar in searching for a guild. I will probably be playing alot but I really want to find some people to get to know and enjoy the whole social side of a guild. Some nice friends to do things with in game makes it so much more enjoyable!

I will 100% play warrior, mostly prot, with some arms for pvp down the line!
I have a friend of mine also wanting to play a hunter (will probably roll a priest knowing them). Horde on Mirage Raceway.

I raided in Vanilla and BC but want to live out those days again, so my aim is to raid eventually atleast, just not every day… Life will be in the way of that!

Feel free to hit me up and maybe on launch we can all play together!

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