Long term WOW PLAYERS looking for guild Mirrage Raceway

As it says on the tin, married couple played WOW pretty much from launch in Europe, looking for a friendly older guild to recreate original WOW experience and enjoy the game.

Whilst we did some raiding during classic and beyond, grown up life and jobs mean that we are not expecting to be able to commit to regular raiding, so raid ambitions not vital… But equally we haven’t completely ruled out raiding, if whichever guild we join had a real life friendly raid schedule and needed us to help out.

Mainly looking for friendly guild chat with other long term WOW players of similar age and maturity (mid 30s).

Both still play live, but haven’t raided or been seriously invested in a guid since WOTLK. Whilst there have been things we have enjoyed in live since then, the social aspect of WOW hasn’t been one of them…

We just want a guild that we can enjoy good company, maybe run a few dungeons whilst having a few drinks without everyone rushing to do everything as quickly as possible without enjoying “the journey”.

It is our intention to relevel our original characters, a mage and a rogue. But will also look to level a paladin and warrior in due course.


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Just below you :slight_smile: you would be very welcome to join us in our travels as the core of us have been playing since vanilla times also and have the same outlook as to alcohol and raiding :smiley:

I know a guild on the realm. Very fun people. I wont be on the realm myself because i want to play on a PvP server i can give you the discord link to the discord of the guild.

Hey thanks, will look you up when Classic hoes live.

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Here’s the one I’m joining. Fantastic bunch!
Edit - They are alliance

Who we are?
Essential is a group of people who became friends long time ago and kept playing on and off for years , real life is something that actually exist and caught us by surprise .
Most of our members have the agro meters set on either Kid agro and when ignored it becomes wife Agro so schedules became more of a thing then we had back in the day.
We all started playing in vanilla / TBC and want to go back to that mechanic and enjoy wow as it was 10+ years ago with the understanding that you actually can’t go back in time and things are different now .

What we offer?

A nice place to stay nice guild chat and a lot of players who can play very very well but also understand that we can’t push for world first clear MC etc , we will run every raid we can we will play as serious as we need and we love min max every char we have but in time …
If you like to see all content from north to south if you like to run dungeons in a guild group and see raids without a schedule we would like to invite you , we all know what it is to be hardcore we all experienced the pressure and loved it back when we had all the time in the world but in classic we relax and take our time .

If this seems something you might like then by all means come one in grab drink and have some fun :

Discord https://discord.gg/WNgMeag

Hey there. Yeah I am in a similar boat - I made a thread a few minutes ago - and I noticed Brotherhood of Light. They sound really nice.

I have also bookmarked Essential.

Just to clarify I am seeking for Alliance faction primarily :slight_smile: might roll a hordie down the line though…

Hey guys!

You should definitely check us out. We already have a really fun community on Discord and everyone seems really nice.

We’re not racing to raid either!

We’re also a little different to other guilds in that we’re an all Undead guild :smiling_imp:

Thanks for the reply, though we’re looking for Mirage Raceway :wink: And my horde are always Tauren anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Best regards

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I do share your destiny… I find it quite disappointing that almost no recruitment is happening for the PVE realms. The other problem is that according to the statistics most of the PVE players will roll Alliance which is not something I can do. So here am I, Undead, Priest, in Mirrage Raceways, with no guild… :smiley: I did used the search tool, this is the only thread regarding recruitment for the realm. If you’ve found something I’m willing to apply.

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Hey there Alaia

I couldn’t quite believe I was reading this post, mainly because I could have written it myself! My husband and I are pretty much EXACTLY the same as you guys - played since vanilla and used to raid once upon a time before the children came along.

We’ve also continued to play and just paired stuff since Lich King, but we’ve never again found the halcyon days of social pleasure from the game.

We’re excited for classic, just like you - to run a few dungeons, perhaps some casual raids with a few people who don’t take themselves too seriously and race for progression. We’re in our 40s, so looking also for some mature folk to join up with. We rolled a horde mage and shaman on Raceway - look us up after launch (my character name is Irie) - we’ll be in game from 2nd September. Hope to see you there!


Is Essential forming on Horde or Alliance?

They will be alliance :slight_smile:

I just checked them in Discord… Alliance… :frowning:

Will do… We have plans to level some hordies eventually, but relevelling our original characters on Ally side first, but will pop over some time to say hi.

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Hello there… Maybe this is something for you?
S&J will try to start up her guild again in the style we played in vanilla before.
So not a hard core or semi-raid guild, but a guild for Rest & Relaxing, not you have to be on then or then couse we…, but play the game, learn the game and most of all, enjoy the game. Get skilled in our proffessions, craft our own stuff, but most of all, enjoy the game, get to places long forgotten.

your 20 and shy? butt still want to join a guild that has the patience to learn you stuff? no problem!
Your over 50 or even more antique as we are? slow with your mouse and keyboard? so what? we all get a day older :wink:

So… if you are looking for a clan that is not only looking for the epic’s, not want to reserve a few evenings a week couse the raid go’s on, you can join us at Mirage Raceway on the aliance side

You can contact us on Dermeister#2687 or Stavor#2165

Hello mates :slight_smile: We would love to have you be part of our guild :slight_smile: we are all 30+ :slight_smile: !

We are however going on Shazzrah :slight_smile: so i hope you will cope with that :slight_smile:
A Bonus will be that we have other couples in here, like 3 other couples atm :slight_smile:

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:


I feel we could be a good fit for you, even though we are not on your choice server. Contact info is in the post.

Hi Lílmoo (and any other players going Horde). The guild I joined on Mirage has lots of older players (I’m 43). The GM is late 40’s and has a good mix of players (over 50 now). The guild is called Dark Reign. Check out the recruitment forum as there’s a thread looking for players. Come and join on Discord :slight_smile:

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thanks KP, yeah we’ll check it out :+1::grinning:

Hey everyone,

I’m currently coming back to World of Warcraft because of Classic. I played vanilla to Cataclysm and then I stopped. It feels really good to see that couples and people my age (40s) are interested in this journey.

I used to play Horde, and I’ll probably do that again, but I’m wondering if there are any guilds on Mirage Raceway that’d be willing to adopt my priest. I’ve always played healers (although my main in vanilla was a grumpy undead warlock) and I’m going to do that again.