Longer drs

should drs be 30 seconds long? what do you think about that ?


Delete all cc and make only one arena without noob pillars
Fight like a true man on bare field with you hands in the mud
Perfect balance


Lmao and lets only fight mm hunter each other

CC needs to go up or damage needs to come down before we look at diminishing return, dps do way too much damage than they have any right to have.

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DRs are fine, micro CC needs a general pruning across the board, less damage output across the board as CC isnt even needed these days especially with melee cleaves. And most of all they need to drastically reduce the number of specs that have an MS effect. Used to be a warrior only thing theres absolutely no need for DH to have it, rogues shouldnt have it either they already have high burst and control they dont need the massive sustained damage they have now along with an MS effect too.

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The amount of stuns is ridiculous annoying, dumb and needs to be tuned down.

Crowd control that incapacitate or root players to prevent healing or damage is fine.

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There 3 ways to handle todays issues:

  • Prune healing and dmg done to slow the game down.
    This comes at the cost of setup comps not being able to perform.
  • Prune CC.
    Of which elavates ZUG ZUGS and we already tried that- it was a horrible season.
  • Increase DRs. Which surprisingly enough isnt such a bad idea.

I would also suggest simply reduce the toolkit of each class and elavate their specialities.
Feral druid= Hybrid God with excess mobility and CC but squishy if caught off guard.
Warrior,Paladin, Dk, Enha = tanky- high burst and consistent dmg dealers, but wheelchair. Not too many CCs.
Dh= Mobile, bursty but no CC besides AOE stun, eye beam is interruptable again but has 2 charges. AoE dmg is high only after certain conditions are met (like 4 non-repeating spells being used or smth like that)
Rogue = Burst heavy,Mobile within Shadowstep, CC heavy but squishy beyond belief.
Mage= CC heavy, burst heavy, mobile but really squshy and cast heavy.
Ele shaman= High burst and decent consistent dmg and survivability, cast-heavy and not mobile.
Hunter= Hight dmg, high CC but squishy and needs to cast (casts are interruptable) (hot take: hunters are casters which casts cannot be interrupted and that has been under the radar for too long)
Just some examples.

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