Looing for a guild, its boring playing alone :(


i am a returning player after not playing for a couple of years
most of my friends have either removed me from btag or are playing classic or quit

i am looking for a guild that plays mythic plus and a bit of casual stuff on the side,pvpm dungeons raids etc

i am far from shy and will be active in guild chat and on discord, always up for having a laugh and a bit of banter.

from a personal standpoint, i am a australian that lives in europe, portugal to be specific so will be active with that time zone .

i am not looking to be your new progressive raid team member as i am not a high end raider plus i have just returned, but dont mind joining a active mythic guild as a casual/social

i play as a horde demonology warlock, but can transfer for a good community

many regards

my btag is ukrop#2291

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