Look for a late night guild

Hi all,

Due to kids I can only play from 9:30pm - 2am server time. Looking for a guild that plays later in the night and will welcome a old noob into their guild :grin: as my current one has died…

I would like to get into raiding but as I play later been finding it difficult to find a guild that raids as late as I’m online.

I currently play Fury warrior, Ret Paladin and am trying to learn resto Shaman if I can find a guild willing to help as learning with pugs is no fun :blush:

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One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time
we are 9/9H pugging 4/9M and currently opening Raid trains for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information

Thanks, but I can’t get online before 9:30 ST as got to get the kids to bed first

missed the type on timing,
usually 9:30pm and this could changed based on availability,

you can get into our discord and get a feel of the atmosphere if you like

Hey Azpi, check us out we might be something your interested in, the raid times and days are not 100% yet we are going to review them closer to the time :slight_smile:

Hello there buddy.

I would love to have a chat with you, so feel free to join the following discord server https://discord.gg/BVJXeeETxX or add on me on battlenet:Dulmor#21560

Best Regards

Hey, are you an RP guild? As I noticed your on an RP realm…

No we do not do any kind of RP :slight_smile: