Hi all.
So as the title says I have been looking at getting into RP for a while now but never made the jump. I have done some surfing and read up on some old posts but they all mention different things and sometimes contradict one another so I decided to just throw this out there and see what responses I get.
I will give a very brief over view of my RP idea just encase it affects the answers I will need. My idea is to roll a Laughing Skull (bare with me here) Rouge that’s struck his own out into the world. A side note I understand their are negative connotations with LS RPers I just wish to state I am not going down the path of out right offensive and generally being a nuisance others have done so before.
Now onto my questions.
How important is spelling and grammar when talking to others? I have read somewhere this is rather important which is a bit of an issue with me as im Dyslexic and while not cripplingly so I do rely heavily on spell checker and my Grammer is, well its awful.
Secondly are their any underlying dynamics within the RP community I should know? Any big don’ts or general unwritten rules to follow?
And finally any other general tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time everyone.