Looking deeper into World of Warcraft lore

Hello everyone.

I was wondering if anyone could advise me or recommend to me a good wiki or books (I’m more of a reader) or even someone’s YouTube videos about World of Warcraft lore, the world, the characters, major events etc.

I played Warcraft since the RTS games like Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne and then i started on retail only around Pandaria, these days i have been playing Classica and TBC for the first time, just got to 70 last night which was a big deal :slight_smile: but i would love to learn more about the the game’s lore.

Any help and advice about this would be very much appreciated.


I guess Nobbel would be the go-to-channel for that, nicely narrated, mostly non-speculative and with Lore videos about pretty much any topic you can wish for, considering he has been at it for quite some time.


I’d suggest you look at some of that before putting more money into it.
A big problem with the lore is that it grew very fast very large, and the devs haven’t always put the highest value on continuity, so older stuff might tell a story that’s quite different from the same story in newer content. Even their Chronicles which were supposed to be the go-to lore summary are a bit dated now, since the devs said that even those have a viewpoint bias. It’s a bit of a mess, but there certainly is some cool stuff in there.

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Hello Wimbert and thank you so much for reaching out.

I have made a mistake when i posted my first words in this thread, i should have said that i am very interested about World of Warcraft lore especially from what is today considered as Vanilla Wow until Cataclysm, i would love to know more about the times when the original WoW surfaced and more about Outland, i love everything about Northrend as well, same as Classic, Burning Crusade, i have never played Wrath of the Lich King as it was when originally launched but i would love to know more about that world…those worlds.
I have to be honest the life of Arthas Menethil, as he grew to be Uther’s disciple, a paladin, a symbol of light and future ruler to his downfall seems to be amazing to go through those stories.

Is there any good Wikipedia as well? I’m just asking because i love to read but i will check on Nobbel’s channel as well i thank you for that my friend :slight_smile:

The wiki site you’re asking about is wowpedia.org the only issue is that at times articles can be incomplete, or mildly inaccurate, it’s much better than it used to be back when people would edit wiki’s during the faction war in Pandaria. I’m sure you’re aware there’s been some serious retcons lately so try to avoid the Shadowlands section.

There’s also ‘Platinumwow’ on youtube but PLEASE take what he says with a pinch of salt because he tends to leave out details, facts and some of his video’s have been plain wrong but they’re otherwise a mostly accurate and entertaining form of machinima that touches on a lot of lore.

There’s also the WC3 games, if you’re feeling particularly insane there’s this collection of videos about the WC3 story found on this channel but personally I would recommend putting on an eyepatch to discover the story rather than watching it. https://www.youtube.com/user/GicaPopa

Keep in mind that the lore has been retconned in a very serious way over the years, modern Warcraft obviously doesn’t resemble what it once was. Even during WOTLK questing which I’m sure you’re going to get up to once it comes out in Wrath Classic there’s a lot of changes that came out at this time in the form of the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, so you might want to check that out.

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