Looking for a A-RP Guild, new player

Hello, I’ve been a FFXIV RP’er since 2014 but after having literally beaten the game content wise and not getting too much RP recently I decided to try out WoW 3 days ago and absolutely loving the game this far.

But besides that I’d like to get into a RP guild or community on Argent Dawn especially on the Alliance side as that’s my highest lvl character right now. I currently got a lvl 30 Night Elf Death Knight (I know it’s not the easiest to start off with RP wise) but is mostly just a starter character as I try and unlock the extra races as those interests me more.

So if you have a guild that would be interested in recruiting a new player and take in their recovering death knight then I’d really appreciate that.

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When it comes to night elf guilds, I can reccomend Dirge of Teldrassil. They take in death knights too.

When it comes to allied races, which ones are you most interested in? I´d say most of the RP guilds in WoW are centered around races, so you may be unable to join the guild you picked on your main with your alt. So, if the DK is just a stepping stone for another character, I´d suggest using her purely for the content and get the race you want to RP as quickly as possible (fortunately these days you should be able to get them quite easily).

I am still a bit here and there on what exactly I wanna do but my goal right now is to unlock Void Elf or faction hop a blood elf to alliance if possible. But after playing the introduction to a Alliance Death Knight, I really enjoyed the intro and how you get “converted” into the alliance side of things and think I want to use that for my character ICly as I think Blizzard did a really good job with that

If you are very new and feeling a little intimidated like me…
I suggest Lore and Order, it is a scholar based RP company rather than military, almost like a group of Lara Croft and Indiana Jones types that go out researching and exploring.

The reason I recommend them is because they are REALLY friendly and welcoming to newbies and rookies in this field. I have made tons of stupid errors and not once have they made me feel bad and all of them have gone out of their way to support and assist me. Just let me find my own pace really.

And I am the typical anxious worry wart. I am Autistic so I worry about mistakes and upsetting people which has inhibited me in the past from trying to join in, but I have been desperate to…

I now feel with this guild that I have found a place I can learn and improve, and it has vastly opened up this game for me, inspired me to create and write, but also to explore it anew as I see everything now with new eyes.

So yeah, gushing aside, rookie opinion here, they are a fabulous guild to try!!

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Yep, it´s a great story.
Just keep in mind that, unlike in FF14 where everything is taking place in a time bubble, time progresses in WoW. Starting DK scenario took place in year 27 after opening of Dark Portal, while right now we´re in year 40.

The races are locked to their factions, so blood elf will only ever be on Horde. Meanwhile, void elves (and in turn high elves) are only Alliance. Faction changing a character also forces you to race change into one of races available for your new faction.

Thanks for the explanation!

After that information then I believe I can say that once I gotten the requirements and unlocked Void Elf then I will most likely change my character into a Void Elf but keep the DK class (even if that’s more of a pain than being a warrior/hunter)

If you are very new and feeling a little intimidated like me…
I suggest Lore and Order, it is a scholar based RP company rather than military, almost like a group of Lara Croft and Indiana Jones types that go out researching and exploring.

They sound great, though I want a more military focused side myself. But joining a group who are helpful and happy to help me learn probably isn’t a bad idea so I’ll take a look at them :slight_smile:

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Another thing, you can´t change class of a character. This is the fundamental difference between WoW and FF14. In FF14, unless you want to play on two servers or make an alt for RP, there´s no reason to make an alt, as one character can do everything. In WoW, you can only be one class, so people have to make alts to check other classes.
Because of this, transmog (our version of glamour system) appearances, mounts, titles, pets and toys are account-wide and levelling new character to 60 takes about one afternoon for experienced players.

This is why, when it comes to RP, what is our gameplay main often differs from our RP mains. Which is an approach I´d suggest to you too, since there probably isn´t a more difficult race/class combo to pull off than void elf DK. It also won´t allow you to RP breaking free from the Lich King, as allied races (those unlockable ones) + pandaren DKs have their own starting quest to reflect their different lore. Void elves as a race did not exist at the time when DK starting questline takes place.

Edit: Also, I forgot to mention that plenty of guilds won´t be willing to take in a DK into their ranks, so your options might be quite limited.

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