Looking for a casual guild


Just started playing again and I am leveling my warrior currently and was looking for an active guild to join! Currently in Draenor EU, but I am not able to find any casuals/socially, only hardcore raiders guilds.

Or if anyone can recommend another realm with more socially guilds? Just want to social and join some runs of dungeons and raids a bit.

Have a nice day!

Feel free to contact me ingame Schalimar-Draenor or via discord: Schali for a chat :slight_smile:

Hey there. We’re a new guild on Draenor so we’re a smaller guild so might be better for you as you’ve just come back. We’ve just done our first raid together and we’re building up a fun and social community together. If this sounds good for you add me on Discord: .aevelin or Battle.net: Aevelin#2827 :slight_smile:

Hi Lakut,

If you are 18+ then The Old Grudge might be a good fit for you.

Have a look at our post: The Old Grudge - home for older / mature players, is recruiting!


Hi, we are active new guild called Hesperus (there’s an ad somewhere on the forum here). AotC raiding, active m+ scene, looking for players of all classes and specs to grow the roster. Relaxed vibe but always curious about how to play the game and have a laugh. We raid 19:45 UK on Thursday and Monday and players get together for m+ every night of the week.

The guild is on Runetotem (connected realms hellfire, kilrogg, arathor, nagrand). Get in touch if you want to join in and try us out as a friend first :slight_smile:

Discord gordzgrey