Looking for a Casual Raiding Guild


We’re two casual UK-based players looking to join a casual raiding guild (not a community) to experience Heroic raid content and possibly dip our toes into Mythic raids. We’re also big fans of pushing Mythic+ content and would love a guild where we can find like-minded adventurers to run keys with.

We’re hoping to find a friendly and supportive guild that understands the balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities, like kids and varying schedules. Ideally, we’d like to join a group that raids 1-2 evenings per week, starting at 20:30 server time or later.

If your guild values camaraderie, flexibility, and making the most of raid nights without taking things too seriously, we’d love to hear from you!

Myself - Prot Warr - Acrazywarr
Friend - BM Hunter - Islanublar

Feel free to reach out here, via discord (acrazymoose) or in-game if you think we’d be a good fit.

Looking forward to new adventures!

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Hi feel free to come check us out, wer exactly what you are discribing, as in focused on getting AOTC which we did and now dipping our toes into mythic with the see where we can get attitude :wink:

New semi-hardcore progressing English speaking raiding/M+ guild with friendly and fun atmosphere looking for active players to join our roaster. Progress 8/8 heroic ,2/8 Mythic . DM on discord fluffyfang for more info !

Hi there Acrazyaug :slight_smile: ,

Have a look at our guild, we might just be the perfect fit for you!

Hi we are currently recruiting new players from all backgrounds for our raid team

Hit me up on disc or in game if you have any questions

Victory or Debt - 8/8 hc 3/8mythic

We’re an English speaking guild with European members - we try not to take ourselves too seriously and have the primary goal of getting AOTC each major content patch.

We have a wide range of players in the guild from hardcore raiders, mythic plus pushers to mount farmers and social gamers.

Currently recruiting DPS for our main raid team but all roles welcome.

Raid Wednesdays from 7-11 pm GMT.

Raiderio - Victory or Debt - Thunderhorn

Discord- fANaND8T

Hazent #2237