Looking for a community that does rbgs

Hi guys! I played RBGs back then and I actually liked it. But it is really hard to find groups nowadays. Is there any community up where i can just link with people to do RBGs?

RBG is dead, it was healthfull at the beginning of S1.

[quote=“Хмв-soulflayer, post:2, topic:55720, full:true”]
RBG is dead, it was healthfull at the beginning of S1.
[/quote]… that answer tho.

Anyways, im also searching for a community. Hit me up if you find something and I will do the same Honeysosaa.

Its dead mate unfortunately , 500 mmr rule

I searched almost 2 month in S2 in RU and while i did that i found 3 big M+ community with 1000 peoples in it. And that what can i say about peoples interested in RBG. :partying_face:
Actually u can find some groups, but only as FC-TC, coz nobody wants to play any responsible role. Pew-pew-pew-AOE and if they lost they will blame them firstly. If ready to be “the man who lost our game” from time to time and be kicked/replaced - welcome. :+1:

I totally get the point that you guys are explaining. But instead of making a statement that RBG coms are dead I think it is more helpful to give answers that actually helps. Honeysosaa is looking for a community and that should be reason enough to help him and not only make the statement, as I said, that rbgs are dead.

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