I’m posting this here as I’m looking to meet people online and become a part of their community.
Currently the main online game I play is WoW, but I don’t want to just join a guild on here and be stuck playing that game only with the same people.
I enjoy Ark: Survival Ascended (never played multiplayer and happy to try it out), Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Hogwarts Legacy, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet & a few other games on the switch as well.
I consider myself an average sort of player across all these games, but with a good attitude towards success, “try and try again”.
In WoW I have a history of some raiding in guilds, honestly all the way back in cataclysm. I’ve played mostly single player since Mists, partially sparking my desire to find friends online so I can try Mists classic (will be rolling WW monk as it was my main in Mists alongside my frost DK).
There’s some experience in SW:TOR (used to play PvP with a former IRL friend and we used to smash it on our lightning Sorcerers), and a little bit in ESO though I am well out of sync with both of these.
I play Yugioh Master Duel, and have a fair bit of experience with former top tier decks, not modern styles that shut down your opponent from playing the game. Very much prefer to have a back and forth game, which applies to all games I play.
That’s enough about me as a gamer, now as a person.
I’m obviously a bit of an introvert, at the minute a bit of a work-a-holic doing shift work (any wow raiding would ideally be somewhat flexible or understanding of my attendance being limited by this). I’m 30, live alone with my cat Garfield, no kids & no drama.
Consider myself to have a fair bit of general knowledge and show reasonable intelligence & problem solving skills, in game or IRL. Also have a pretty dark sense of humour, if easily offended, please let me know. I’ve even taken the p**s out of some pretty crappy stuff that’s happened in my personal life, so there’s very little that I see as off-limits in terms of humorous unless informed otherwise.
When it comes to gaming and being online for things, if I say I’m going to be there for something like raiding or a tournament in YGO, I will be there. My timekeeping is impeccable in all aspects of my life.
Don’t know if I’m posting this in the right area or if anyone will read, but I’m happy for people to DM in game and see how it goes.
Please be aware it will take me a long time to engage in any Voice chat, as already stated I am an introvert. On top of this I have crippling social anxiety and a bit of a thing about speaking over the phone (even to make important appointments or as part of my job… I’m working on it). That being said I am happy to join and listen in, but please respect that it may take me a long time to speak. If given orders in a raid over voice chat, I will heed orders and take the actions to the best of my abilities.
Nice little swerve back to the gaming side of things.
I currently have 19 level 80 characters, one of each class & some have multiple, as I prefer to have one character per spec.
At the moment I have a frost DK main, though my Holy Pally has managed to outgear him in season 1. I know how to stay alive on my DK if required to learn tanking, but in terms of addons/weakauras, I don’t tend to use most of that to the ‘elite’ levels. My WW Monk is also still going strong, and I very much enjoy playing pretty much every class I have, so will just list the rest below.
Devastation Evoker, Demo warlock (please don’t ask me to give up my demon possy…POSSY with an O!), Elemental Shaman, Retri Pally, BM Hunter, Demon hunter, one tank specced and one DPS, frost mage, fire mage, MW Monk, Holy Priest, Shadow Priest, Outlaw rogue, Fury Warrior, survival hunter & DUDU (currently specced for tank for delves but I barely play her, more there for the meme as is named Kárén).
The tanking and healing side of things are new to me, as historically I have played pure DPS from the launch of Cataclysm. I started playing in the last 6 months of WoTLK and made an Unholy DK Tank specced for heroic dungeons that worked really well. Then with the revamp in cataclysm I rerolled frost and in Dragon soul (Pre nerf) because of my tanking knowledge of the class, was asked to respec into a hybrid spec to briefly take aggro during the madness of deathwing fight (tanks kept dying and guild wanted to progress onto heroic when the nerf hit).
I consider myself a fast learner, so anyone in the guild with a few pointers, I’m happy to listen to. Honestly during 11.1 I’m hoping to switch my main to my Monk again, I love doing flips & smashing things with my hulk themed transmog. Very fun class to play IMO but they all have their bonuses.
Gonna round this off now, if contacting me in game (probably easier to do), please address the mail as “Cando” so I know you’ve read the full post and feel like you guys can offer me a home. Also please be aware there may be multiple people contacting me, so will give each person who takes the time to message me the time and respect they deserve by way of a thank you.
By the way, this is totally unrelated to the post, but does anyone else think of “Imma firing my laserrrrrr. BWARRRGGGGGG” when using Disintegrate on their Evoker?
Just me?
Thanks for reading,
Mail me at Solvetis on Silvermoon realm EU, I will be checking this from time to time in between shifts when I’m around.
FYI, I do have a mix of horde/ally characters, though most of my Horde characters still need to level during the next TW event. Mainly my dapper undead monk “Disaintmyjaw” to join his tauren fire mage friend “Roastbeef” on Draenor.
Ally characters on Silvermoon, Horde are on Draenor.