Looking for a dad guild

I’m a long time wow player from my standard started in cata. I’m a 24 yo dad with a wife and a mortgage and a stressful job with a lot of responsibilities. That being said I love having a laugh in discord, but schedule just doesn’t allow that. I’d love to have a guild where I know everyone and it feels a bit like a family, willing to move servers

Hello there,
I can’t promise we’re the right guild for you, but if you’re interested in conversing and seeing if you can find a few gems you bond with, let me know!
My discord contact is reptution
Take care! :slight_smile:

We are guild focused primarily on having fun and enjoying our time online, with each other. That doesn’t mean we will do anything short of spamming Mythic +, Achievement and mount runs, discord shenanigans, and variety gaming as a potential option! We also have a progessive mythic raiding team and a heroic social raid day.

The only rules for this guild so far are the following: Be kind and respectful to one another. No toxicity, flaming, or scamming of any kind.

If you know somebody that you think might fit into this guild, feel free to reach out! We are more than happy to welcome to them into our family. Early on, our guild might be quiet, due to us just starting out, but I hope one day to grow this into a very active and enjoyable guild for each and every member.

Reach out to Dreamers in game (Bnet HopesNDreams#2993 or wowdreamers on discord!

you should def join Pupets of misrule a guild where you would pee your own pants!

Hey, I think we could be a good fit!

Hey there! You haven’t mentioned what server you are on but I have a guild on Draenor called Taivans Tavern, we are a cross faction guild and always looking for new friends. We do raid twice a week but we are also a social guild that just generally enjoys the game together. We love a bit of banter and the discord is always busy but that’s enough waffling, add me if you want a chat :grin:

Bnet: Bowmistress#2796
Discord: Bowmistress

What does this even mean? :thinking: