Looking for a Endgame & Social hybrid guild

Hey everyone
So nice and short - I have mythic experience, easily clearing the first couple of bosses of every raid tier, I also got to 3k M+ rating in DF season 3, in season 4 I started university courses, but now I have more time.

I wanna do endgame content, I have the skill for it, but I want to do it in a friendly environment, where I can chat and be friendly with me team.
I’ve been to guild where no one talked to one another and everyone only cared about progress.

If you think your guild can offer me that, I’d love to be a part of it.

I prefer to play Holy Priest in raid & Disc Priest in M+, but I’m also a great Frost DK in both raid & M+.
I’m available on Sunday, Monday, Thursday & Wednesday.

Would love to hear from you if you need my classes for your team! :slight_smile:

Hello Valselia!

I think you’d fit right in among our ranks in The Raven Clan!

if you’d like to discuss some details about the guild find me on discord @kerucqc or bnet: SilverWolf#22282.

Here’s our recruitment post:

Check us out !!

we would love to talk !!!

Is your greatest weakness chocolate? The only unique thing about you is that you are a twin, but you would like to coordinate mental health prevention initiatives? Then SaveCowEatPanda Criminal record is a must! discord.gg/hrzF4ru