Looking for a final home on alliance

2½ years ago i was kicked from the guild i loved. I was there for 6 maybe 7 years. I have severe anxiety so one day they were like “we had enough of your anxiety, bye” and kicked me out without any warning at all. Asking them why they did this just made it worse. I got stalked, harrassed, they whispered me calling me things, so much that i eventually got ptsd from this.

After this its been hell. I have been going from realm to realm, from guild to guild and changed faction over and over. I cant seem to find a home. It has made me very lonely. What i do have found out is that i love being on Moonglade/The Shatar/Steamwheedle cartel.

I dont do rp. Im here because its less people here. As i said i have severe anxiety and therefore like its less crowded here. I have aspergers. Thats also a reason im here on this realm. Im very sensitive to too much movement in game. People running and rushing here and there gives me anxiety, so thats why i like less crowded places. Because of crossrealm thing even low pop normal servers feels crowded theses days.

I have tried so many guilds now that im about to give up, but i want to try this one last time. Instead of just writing “lf guild” i decided to write a little bit of my story and see if that works better. The guilds i have been in before have been weird, inactice or they have been rude about my anxiety and make fun of me. Thats not what i want. I want to be where im accepted the way i am. I want to be around nice and friendly people. I want to be where im noticed and feel welcomed and included.

Is there anyone out there that can help me find a guild i can call home? I want to find new friends, have fun, relax and stop looking. After looking for a guild every single day for over 2½ years, im mentally exhausted. I dont want to look anymore. I dont want to be lonely anymore. Please help.

Im looking for a nice social guild on alliance.
Ignore my avatar. I know it says horde with a guild name under, but im a dwarf and guildless now. It hasnt been updated yet.

Thank you for reading. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m very sorry your inconsiderate ex-guildies behaved like that.

In my experience, Moonglade (& the connected realms Steamwheedle Cartel & The Sha’tar) people are nice folk :slightly_smiling_face: I’m glad you feel the same!

I am not in any particularly social Alliance guilds (on any of my alts) I think, and I apologize if some guildie of some of ny alts reads this and goes, “That ungrateful brat! You are SO kicked!”

But I am sure there are good guilds here for you :grinning: I don’t know everyone in all the guilds, but I know several guilds who have very nice people as members.

(I’ll invite you to ‘my’ guild in a heartbeat if you want, but I can’t call it neither social nor active:)

I’ll ask around on your behalf when I can (I am tragically casual, (silly obligations outside of WoW…) but I’ll get around to it eventually:)

In the meantime,
:musical_note: don’t stop believin’ :notes:


Thank you for sharing your situation, Alyce. I am sorry to hear that you have suffered bad experiences with your past guilds.

I remember walking beneath the canopies of Kalimdor since the leaves themselves smelled like vanilla, and with a few and long interim breaks I returned a little more than a year ago. While coping with the outcome of the War of the Thorns, I ended up joining a group of adventurers that seemed to embody joviality through their hearty, relaxed and friendly conduct.

I stayed with them for some time and ultimately departed on friendly terms after adhering to a budding botanical benevolence, and so only fond memories now remain on that past forest path. It is not my place to say if it would or could be your ‘final home’, but from experience I can wholeheartedly recommend the Refuge of the Lost as a peaceful guild with a very kind and competent guild master.


Hi again. I found a nice little guild, with awsome people, on Argent Dawn actually. I liked it so much that i moved my main to it. 15 min after i moved my main i found myself kicked. I didnt even get the time to join the guild with it, when i saw my alt i had there was kicked. No warning at all.
I made a :unamused: on a comment and i suddenly dont have the same humour as them. I have aspergers. I dont have the same humour as everyone else. They knew that. This is how people are at people with aspergers.
Maybe it was for the best. If they kick someone for that little they are not good people. I would never be able to be myself there.

This was my last try to find a guild and it ended up the same way. I love being in a guild, saying hi and grats such things, but… i dont trust people anymore, not in this game. I think its best for me to play alone.

Now i have to transfer my main away from Argent Dawn. I dont want to be where they are. Two transfers in the same day, for nothing. Not that fun. :frowning:

Thank you so much Grawle and Dulvarinn for your comments here. I appreciate it a lot. :slightly_smiling_face:

No more looking. Bye everyone. :wave:


Not all who wander are lost. There is a way out of the lonely woods. As it happens quite a few roleplay events are scheduled for the coming days. Why not partake and see if you like it? :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry it went like that. “My” guild is always open :slightly_smiling_face: but as mentioned before, it is neither active nor social…
Edit: And if you ever feel like sharing a peaceful moment, fishing or whatever, don’t hesitate to reach out! :grinning:

Yes, I am a filthy casual, but I do like fishing (as do all my alts;)


My sympathies for what you are going through, Alyce. :open_umbrella:

I sense turmoil within you, because of these events happening, and I can understand, why you wish to search for solitude, at least for the time being.

Make sure to take good care of you. :butterfly:

If something as simple as a smiley gets you kicked, then that place was not for you, as you say. I know, that it is not easy to avoid it feeling personal – and as a result of that fear, that people cannot ‘grasp’ what it means to have Asperger’s Syndrome, and are too inconsiderate to be around. Although every human being is unique, no matter their struggles or labels, that society has forced upon them; it is merely a fraction of the whole being, that they are.
I do not have Asperger’s Syndrome, so it is not my place to say, of course. :shamrock:

It is my hope, that you will grow stronger from this, and find the strength to keep searching for a place, you will feel at home with your characters in; because such places do exist.

But the way the world – as well as the World of Warcraft has become, makes it increasingly difficult to find. It would do everyone well, if life would take on a slower pace, but changing the world is no easy task.

The way the game is today means, that the rush mentality is not just about the gameplay, it is also about the way one interacts with their fellow players. There is little ‘time’ to embrace variety and people with different needs, than ones own.

I would suggest searching for a guild, that spends more time “screening” their members. Meaning, how they go about recruiting.
Do they recruit off the street, no questions asked? Then there is a chance, that tolerance, acceptance, patience and good human nature might not be of their core values. I am ‘painting with large strokes’ here, I realize, but I hope you get the picture.

Breath deeply, before you make another transfer. Being mentally exhausted by the incidents you had happen to you, sounds upsetting and decisions are best made with a clear head. Let yourself recover. :droplet:

I am, of course, not here to tell you what to do, please do not misunderstand. It is one of my reasons for having been unsure, how to respond to your thread here; that, and the fact, that I have no insight to share about the PvE guilds on this server.

Moonglade might not be able to offer you the level of activity you search (I mean in guild chat etc. - not the open world), but I strongly believe, that every server hosts genuine and considerate people; they might just not be easy to locate. And they might not be in a guild - or run a guild, either.

Press on. :sun_behind_large_cloud:

If I still had my PvE Guild, I would gladly offer you a trial with us, because I am certain, that it would have been a good fit for you.
Running a social guild, where qualities such as empathy and patience is the ‘driving force’ is no easy task, and it takes special fiery souls to maintain it. :fire: It does not mean it is impossible to find, though.

Have you considered trying out Classic World of Warcraft, once it launches? The pace of Classic is different than that of the current version of the game, and it might appeal to you, as well as making it easier to find a place to call home.

Edit: The written word without body language to accompany it can easily be misunderstood, so be sure to ask, if something above has risen any questions :slight_smile:

I wish you all the best ahead, and hope, that my response is seen for what I intended; a gentle embrace and nudge to help you continue your search. :crescent_moon:


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