2½ years ago i was kicked from the guild i loved. I was there for 6 maybe 7 years. I have severe anxiety so one day they were like “we had enough of your anxiety, bye” and kicked me out without any warning at all. Asking them why they did this just made it worse. I got stalked, harrassed, they whispered me calling me things, so much that i eventually got ptsd from this.
After this its been hell. I have been going from realm to realm, from guild to guild and changed faction over and over. I cant seem to find a home. It has made me very lonely. What i do have found out is that i love being on Moonglade/The Shatar/Steamwheedle cartel.
I dont do rp. Im here because its less people here. As i said i have severe anxiety and therefore like its less crowded here. I have aspergers. Thats also a reason im here on this realm. Im very sensitive to too much movement in game. People running and rushing here and there gives me anxiety, so thats why i like less crowded places. Because of crossrealm thing even low pop normal servers feels crowded theses days.
I have tried so many guilds now that im about to give up, but i want to try this one last time. Instead of just writing “lf guild” i decided to write a little bit of my story and see if that works better. The guilds i have been in before have been weird, inactice or they have been rude about my anxiety and make fun of me. Thats not what i want. I want to be where im accepted the way i am. I want to be around nice and friendly people. I want to be where im noticed and feel welcomed and included.
Is there anyone out there that can help me find a guild i can call home? I want to find new friends, have fun, relax and stop looking. After looking for a guild every single day for over 2½ years, im mentally exhausted. I dont want to look anymore. I dont want to be lonely anymore. Please help.
Im looking for a nice social guild on alliance.
Ignore my avatar. I know it says horde with a guild name under, but im a dwarf and guildless now. It hasnt been updated yet.
Thank you for reading.