Looking for a guild (Argent Dawn EU)

I’m looking for a friendly guild, to do Mythic+ and any other fun content they have to offer

I’m casual player as personal life commitments take priority :slight_smile:

Hey! I represent - A social-focused, but content-pushing guild. See our advert here - or contact me directly!

Hello brother If you are still looking for a guild, we have a newer guild on Ragnaros that is focused entirely on having fun, meeting friends, helping one another, and enjoying the game. I understand this would require you to server transfer, and understand if that is not something you are looking to do.

That being said, we do a ton of amount of dungeons, are working on our own raiding roster as our guild grows, and do fun activities as far as mount runs, transmog runs, discord shenanigans, and sometimes variety gaming.

I believe you would be an amazing addition to our evergrowing family and would love to answer any questions you might have!

undertale22 on Discord or HopesNDreams#2993 on Bnet

hey Duder I dont know if you would be interested in us at all?

We have people who do Low keys and a couple who are pushing keys (Tanks and Healer combo) as well as gathering dps to create our Heroic raid team.
Thanks Donz