[EU-Argent Dawn] [AOTC] [8/8H NP] <RPG> - Casual Heroic Raiding Guild

:crossed_swords: RPG :shield:

:world_map: EU-Argent Dawn
:thinking: Raiding, M+, Social

About Us

is a friendly, laid-back raiding guild on Argent Dawn EU that provides a place to clear Ahead of the Curve at a relaxed pace and enjoy everything else Azeroth has to offer along the way. We pride ourselves on a friendly, diverse and collaborative environment, and we’re looking for people like YOU to join us on the journey!

What We Offer

RPG offers a suite of monthly, weekly, and daily activities for players to engage with. Find our current offerings below - ranging from typical events to some more unusual ones.


:trophy: Achievement Runs


:nail_care: Transmog Competitions
:dagger: Raid Nights


:running_man: Mythic+ Runs

Activity Schedule:

Interested but not sure if your life matches with our plans? See our schedule below.


:calendar: Wednesday & Sunday
:clock7: 19:30 GMT - 21:30 GMT (19:15 Invites)


We’re looking for friendly individuals that want to raid in a laid-back environment.

Our team is the perfect place for people with inconsistent schedules, or who are looking to learn/return to raiding in a low-pressure, friendly and diverse environment!

Please note that listening on Discord is required for raid nights.

Get In Touch

:phone: Andromeda#22704 (Recruitment Officer) or FeralKitteh#2837 (GM) on Battle.net
:iphone: jackinhisbox (Recruitment Officer) or CharcoalKitteh (GM) on Discord
:desktop_computer: Apply on Guilds of WoW!

Happy New Year, all!

As of posting, we are 7/9 on Amirdrassil, and now searching for:

  • BM/MM Hunter
  • Any Melee DPS w/ Tank Offspec
  • MW Monk / Resto Shaman Healer

Happy Valentines all!

As of posting, we’re on 9/9 Normal & Heroic, are progressing Mythic (5% on Gnarlroot) and have completed the Glory achievements for Amirdrassil and Aberrus.

We’re searching for ANY DPS for Fated and War Within Raiding! Don’t be afraid to get in contact.

Happy Lunar New Year everybody!

As of posting, we’re on 9/9N, 9/9H and 1/9M.

We’re searching for ANY DPS (other than Paladins) for S3, S4 and looking forward to the War Within, and socials or dungeoneers. Pop us a message!

No new information from above! We’re still looking for ANY DPS, for S3, S4 and S1 War Within Heroic raid progression!

We are now on raiding break 'till S4, but we’re still recruiting!

Looking for FIVE (5) Melee DPS and ONE (1) Ranged DPS for S4 and TWW raiding.

Our raid team has been completed, but we’ve still got room for a friendly WW Monk! Pop a message if you’re interested!

Elsewise, we are still happily recruiting socials and crafters.

Hi guys!
It’s been a hectic few days with the Pandaria remix and with The War Within right around the corner, we’d love to have more people to join us experience everything the game has to offer :slight_smile:
We’re currently looking for melee DPS (especially a WW monk!) to fill out our raid team, as well as all manner of lovely, friendly people! Give us a shout if you want more information

:sparkles: Happy Thursday everyone :sparkles:

We are looking for a few more individuals for S2 of TWW - ideally a DPS with a Tank off-spec. Of course, any other applicants will always been considered.

Check for contact details above!