Looking for a guild for a few characters

Right me laddies!

Some of yer may know me as the Scottish Blood elf, aye. So doon tae bysiness.
Am looking for some roleplay guilds fer me Blood Elves - One is a mage boi and the other a Grenadier-

and me Night elf mage and druid.

I don’t mind if the guild is military, civvy or adveturer. So aye, also if ye can handle a drunk Geordie on Saturdays, that is even betta!!!

So my Blood elf mage and Night elf mage LOVES seeking knowledge but the Belf mage loves farming too, as he lives in Pandaria now.

My Blood elf Grenadier is your “First man” kind of guy in an attack as he will use his grenades on defenses and so on.

My druid is most chilled and a teacher fellow. He prefers to teach the next generation of druids.


Ireland is British


Sindri u are the murderer of jokes.

Okay boys, do we know where Scotland is?


Aye, its on the west of britain.

Alreet ye lot, calm doon, aye.

Does this qualify for cringe?

Hello there!

There are various guilds I can suggest for your needs.


Dirge of Teldrassil is a Night elf and Worgen guild, driven by vengeance and extremists against the Horde.

Moonlight Embrace is a structured Night elf Military guild, consisting of branches for various classes/castes, (including Druids and Mages) and seeking to deliver Justice to the Horde.

Hand of Cenarius is a Druidic guild, focused on protecting Nature and preserving Balance, and they see the Horde as Nature’s enemies.

Spellweavers Symposium is an Alliance mage guild, often found in RP PvP campaigns as well.


If you seek a loyalist Military guild for elves, Highblood Myrmidons is a good choice. They are loyal to Horde and its Warchief, and accept all Horde elves.

And many others which i don’t have in mind at the moment, i do apologise if i missed any!


Moonlight Embrace! WOO!!!

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Moonlight Embrace [Night Elf+Worgen RP] Also here is a link to the guild thread, give it a read. See if it interests you.

Remembering our last encounter i’d say Sun Hawks


please don’t do this.

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Am gannae de et. Dinnae really botha is tae use how a taak so aye.

Just looking fer a Guild fer a few characters.

Also a got that naming frae a thread that is gone. </3. Banter was class.

if you insist on LARPing cringimus maximus at least get it right, your phonetics is all over the place.

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So are you scottish or geordie?

This is really crazy dude…
But who tf asked?

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